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Gross, Light and Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on the Ampulla Ductus Deferentis of Dromedary Camel with Special Reference to its Seasonal Variations

مؤلف البحث
Abdelmohaimen M.M. Saleh1*, Ramy K.A. Sayed2, Hazem Hamoda3
ملخص البحث

The morphological structure and morphometrical features of the ampulla ductus deferens of the adult camels were studied by light and scanning electron microscopy to get better understand with its seasonal variations. The wall of ampulla was composed of mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa or adventitia. It was lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium containing intraepithelial glands. The lamina propria and tunica submucosa formed together the thickest part of the ampullary wall. The ampullary glands were branched tubulo-alveolar, with diverticulae-like appearance and occupied mostly the lamina propria- submucosa. Each gland consisted of peripheral wide and central narrow alveoli that were lined by simple low columnar or cuboidal epithelium and mostly contained spermatozoa and secretory materials. The gland opened in the ampullary lumen by short tubule, which was lined by pseudostratified columnar epithelium. Histochemically, the epithelial cells reacted positively to Alcian blue, PAS and sudan black stains and negatively to the Best's carmine stain, indicating the presence of the acid, neutral glycoprotein and fatty droplet, as well as absence of the glycogen. Morphometrically, the height of the luminal and glandular epithelia, thickness of the lamina propria- submucosa and ratio of the glandular to the connective tissue showed seasonal variations. The height of the luminal and glandular epithelia reached their maximum values in winter and decreased gradually throughout spring and recorded the lowest values in summer. Scanning electron microscopy revealed various shaped openings in the luminal surface of the ampulla. The cells apices were studded with short microvilli and many secretory granules or vesicles. The ampullary glands appeared as a network of diverticulae-like structure, which occupied mostly the lamina propria-submuosa. The cells apices of the glandular epithelium were stereo-ciliated, microvilliated cells or showed central bleb-like protrusion surrounded by thin long microvilli. The glandular alveoli contained spermatozoa and secretory materials. In conclusion, the camel ampulla ductus deferentis performs a storage function in addition to its secretory one, where both are subjecting to seasonal variations.

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مجلة البحث
Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research
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Journal of Advanced Veterinary Research
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