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Nutritional value and ORganoleptic Characteristics of some imported Canned Tuna Sold in Assiut Governorate

مؤلف البحث
Hassan, A. M., Fatma El-Zahraa A. Mustafa., Ahmed, H. Y., & Abd EL-Malek, A. M.
ملخص البحث

The current research was conducted to evaluate chemically and organoleptically some imported canned tuna sold in local supermarkets in Assiut governorate. The number of collected samples randomly was 90 canned tuna. The organoleptic assessment was done using 9- point hedonic scale ranging from dislike extremely (1) to like extremely (9). Proximate composition analysis was carried out for drained samples of canned tuna to determine moisture, crude protein, crude lipid and ash following the methodologies of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. The results revealed that canned tuna samples contained high percentage of crude protein that ranged from 22.50% to 28.10%, with a mean value of 25.23±0.14. The moisture percentage of the examined samples varied from 61.35% to 73.55%, with a mean value of 66.24±0.26%, while total fat values varied from 0.86% to 16.68%, with a mean value of 7.32±0.40%. Ash percentage of the examined samples ranged from 0.33% to 3.18%, with a mean value of 1.47±0.07%. While total cholesterol content values of the examined samples varied from 34.62 to 51.48, with a mean value of 39.61±0.40 mg/100gm. Total carbohydrate content, caloric value, calcium content, phosphorus content, free fatty acids content (%) and fatty acid composition (%) of canned tuna samples were detected in all examined samples. From the obtained results, it is evident that all the examined canned tuna were accepted organoleptically and were considered safe for human consumption.

مجلة البحث
. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal
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