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Assiut University announces the withdrawal of samples of virus test C for new students within the headquarters of the colleges according to a specific schedule (24/9 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine)

Assiut University announces the withdrawal of HIV /Dr. Ahmed Abdu Jouis, President of Assiut University, announced the date of sampling the physics analysis of all new physics students - from all students within the student hospital, confirming that the analyzesThe samples are taken directly to the new students using specialized medical devices that draw the samples and write all the tests that use them for replacement in the designated field. He also stressed the provision of treatment service for cases of infected "C" students until they are fully recovered in the framework of existing cooperation I ' m a Great.Hao To Hive A Heaven Of The Consulting Of The Best Of The Best Of The Best Of The Best Of The Best, Dentistry, Sept. 19 For Pharmacy, 20/9 For College Of Engineering, 24 / 9 to the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, 25-26 to the Faculty of Science, 27 to 28/9 to the College of Nursing and the Institute of Nursing, 1 to 2/10 to the College of Computing and Information, 3 to 4/10 to the Faculty of Specific Education, and 5-8 10 for the College of Education, 9-10 / 10 for the Faculty of Education, the rest of the people, 11-12 / 10 for the Faculty of Fine Arts and Kindergarten, 15-16 / 10 for the Faculty of Agriculture, 17-18 / 10 for Physical Education College, 22-23-24 / 10 for the Faculty of Commerce, 25/10 for college etc. Meh social, and 26-29-30-31 / 10 of the Faculty of Arts and the Institute of Sugar, and 1-2 / 11 of the Faculty of Law, not to be given medical management seal after sample virus analysis and complete disclosure of the medical form to gaining the withdrawal of the student extract Rnah.I'm not a development of acounting acountants. We are proud of the University's keenness to take care of its children and protect them from various diseases that pose a real threat to their lives.