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Benign Cartilagenous Tumor in a sheep: Clinical and Histopathological Findings.

Research Authors
Ahmed, AF
Research Abstract

Abstract. A benign cartilaginous tumor, chondroma, occurred in a 3.5 year-old ewe that was presented to
the Veterinary Teaching Hospital, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Qassim University.
The tumor mass was in the form of a massive hard swelling at the right shoulder region. The ewe was not
able to bear weight on the right forelimb that was abducted laterally. Exploration of that swelling revealed
blood tinged serous fluid. The ewe was euthanized on owner’s request. At necropsy, the swelling
measured approximately 53cm in length, 37cm in width and 25cm in depth and extending from the right
forelimb to the thoracic cage. The contoured borders were covered by fibrous tissue capsule and the
tumor was difficult to cut through. On cut surface, the tumor was yellowish in color with small
cartilaginous multilobular structure and contained one compartment filled with blood tinged serous fluid.
The case was diagnosed histopathologically as a chondroma.

Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences
Research Member
Research Publisher
Qassim University
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