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Branchial Cysts in Buffalo-Calves

Research Authors
N.A. Misk, Ahmed, I.H., Ismail, S.F. and Bayoumi, A.H.
Research Abstract

Three buffalo calves presented to the veterinary clinic at Assiut University with soft, fluctuant, painless swellings at the upper part of the neck. Exploratory puncture of the cysts revealed the presence of a milky liquid. Surgical excision was the radical treatment. Histopathological examination revealed that all cysts were lined by stratified squamous epithelium. At 6-month postsurgical follow-up, no recurrences of these branchial cysts were found in any of the three animals.

Research Department
Research Journal
Agri. Practice,
Research Member
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol. 15, No. 1
Research Year