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# Title Research Member Research Year
651 Hematological and acid base balance changes in newly born calves fed on milk substitutes Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1990
652 Some elemental status in relation to fluoride in buffaloes suffering from chronic fluorosis at Assiut Province Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1990
653 Investigation on outbreak of brucellosis in freisian cows in Minia
II. Haematological and some element concentration in healthy and
diseased cows
Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1990
654 Some biochemical and hematological indices under the effect of systamex in sheep Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1990
655 Metabolic profiles at late pregnancy and at parturation in ewes at Assiut Province Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1990
656 some metabolic profiles at late pregnancy and parturition in ewes at assiut governorate. Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1990
657 Experimental common bile duct legation in dog Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1990
658 Auftreten von enzootischer fettgewebsnekrose bei rinder in Agypten

Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1990
659 Evaluation of ruminal picture in camels suffering from indiestion.1- Biophysical properties and protozoal picture Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1990
660 Antagonestic effect of nikethamide and coffiene against xylaxine with special references to acid-base balance in sheep Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1989