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# Title Research Member Research Year
661 Antagonestic effect of nikethamide and coffiene against xylaxine with special references to acid-base balance in sheep Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1989
662 Electrophoretic pattern of serum proteins in dromedary camel Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1989
663 Elektriphoretische seru protein analyses beieignen Rinderkrankeiten Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1988
664 ): Blood gases and acid-base balance in association with bronchopneuomonia in calves.. Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1988
665 An outbreak of aspergillosis in pigeon Prof. Abdalmtalb Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahim 1988
666 Utility of blood picture and serum metabolic profiles in casesassociated with some forms of reproductive failure in holsteinfriesian diary herd Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1988
Some Biological Influence On Combined Fluorine And Sulpher Toxicity Of Sheep In Egypt.
Prof. Abdalmtalb Abdul Rahim Abdul Rahim 1988
668 Verfettungs syndrome: Klinishche und pathologisch anatomischeuntersuchungen uber das verfettungs syndrome (Lipomobilisationsyndrome in einer Agyptische Milchkuhherde ). Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1988
669 Blood gases and acid-base balance in association with bronchopneuomonia in calves Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1988
670 The influence of environment and feeding on the clinical condition of camels in Upper Egypt Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1988