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# Title Research Member Research Year
691 Clinical and some blood constituents study on healthy and mangy camel Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1987
692 Fat-cow syndrome: A clinical and biochemical observations on holestein friesian dairy herd Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1987
693 Hematological changes in goats with chlamvdial abortion Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1986
694 Some biochemical and hematological indices under the effect of panacur in donkeys Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1986
695 Ovarian activity of buffalo-cows in relation to some blood parameters Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1986
696 Acid-base balance and electrolytes alterations associated with
Partial and complete salivary depletation in sheep.
Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1986
697 Evaluation of some hematological and biochemical changes in the blood of donkeys after treatment with Ivomec Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1986
698 Blood gases and acid-base under the influence of different
anaethetic combinations in donkeys
Prof. Ali EL-Sebaie,H Ali 1986
699 Clinical hematological and some biochemical variations in sheep infested with caenurosis Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1986
700 Influence of gastero-intestinal infestation on some biochemical constituents of blood serum in camels Prof. Tharwat Said Abdel All Ibrahim 1986