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# Title Research Member Research Year
61 Effect of Feeding Citric Acid on Performance of Broiler Ducks Fed Different
Protein Levels
Prof. Jamal Mohammad Muhanna Massad 2016
62 Comparative effects of using prebiotic, probiotic,
synbiotic and acidifier on growth performance,
intestinal microbiology and histomorphology of
broiler chicks
Prof. Sherief Mohamed Abdel- Raheem Diab 2016
63 Effect of Feeding Benzoic acid on Performance of Broiler Chickens
Dr. Rasha Ibrahim Mohammed Hassan 2016
64 Ovarian, endocrinological and metabolic changes in ewes supplemented with short term-metabolic energy during the estrous cycle
Prof. Sherief Mohamed Abdel- Raheem Diab 2015
65 Effects of propylene glycol on the metabolic status and milk production of dairy buffaloes Prof. Sherief Mohamed Abdel- Raheem Diab 2015
66 Long-term reticuloruminal pH dynamics and markers of liver health in earlylactating cows of various parities fed diets differing in grain processing Prof. Sherief Mohamed Abdel- Raheem Diab 2015
67 Effect of Feeding Probiotic on Performance of Broiler Ducks Fed Different Protein
Prof. Jamal Mohammad Muhanna Massad 2015
68 Khol-Parisini, A. , E. Humer, Ö. Sizmaz, Sh. M. Abdel-Raheem, L. Gruberb, J. Gasteinerb, Q. Zebeli (2015): Ruminal disappearance of phosphorus and starch,reticuloruminal pH and total tract nutrient digestibility indairy cows fed diets differing in grain Prof. Sherief Mohamed Abdel- Raheem Diab 2015
69 Long-term reticuloruminal pH dynamics and markers of liver health in early-lactating cows of various parities fed diets differing in grain processing. Prof. Sherief Mohamed Abdel- Raheem Diab 2015
70 Effect of Feeding Probiotic on Performance of Broiler Ducks Fed Different Protein
Dr. Rasha Ibrahim Mohammed Hassan 2015