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# Title Research Member Research Year
181 The influence of different concentrate-roughage proportion on the metabolism of some minerals in camels Prof. Abdel-Baset Nasr Sayed Ahmed 2003
182 Effect of different phosphorus sources on the performance, digestibility and metabolic balance of some minerals in growing goats Prof. Hassan Abbas Mohammed Abdel-Rahim 2002
183 -(2002): The influence of L-carnitine on nutrient retention in pigeons (columba liva domestica) fed corn or peas. Proceeding of the Prof. Abdul Sattar Mohamed Abdellah Abdullah 2002
184 Evaluation of urea as a partial protein replacement in the rations of growing camels Prof. Hassan Abbas Mohammed Abdel-Rahim 2002
185 Feed choice in pigeons with or without L- carnitine supplementation. Proceeding of the Joint Nutrition Symposium Prof. Abdul Sattar Mohamed Abdellah Abdullah 2002
186 ) :Feed choice in pigeons with or without L-carnitine supplementation. Prof. Abdul Sattar Mohamed Abdellah Abdullah 2002
187 Effect of different phosphorus sources on the performance, digestibility and metabolic balance of some minerals in growing goats Prof. Jamal Mohammad Muhanna Massad 2002
188 The influence of L- carnitine on nutrient retention in pigeons ( Columba liva domestica ) fed corn or peas Prof. Abdul Sattar Mohamed Abdellah Abdullah 2002
189 Nutritional considerations concern the requirements of Nile Tilapia for riboflavin and pantothenic acid Prof. Abdel-Baset Nasr Sayed Ahmed 2002
190 Evaluation of urea as a partial protein replacement in the rations of growing camels Prof. Jamal Mohammad Muhanna Massad 2002