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# Title Research Member Research Year
31 Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention Dr. Kamal El-Din Hany Hussein Youssif 2020
32 Evaluation of fish skin as a biological dressing for metacarpal wounds in donkeys Prof. Magda Mahmoud Ali Omar 2020
33 Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention Dr. Ahmed Abdelrahiem Ibrahiem Sadek 2020
34 Vascular reconstruction: A major challenge in developing a functional whole solid organ graft from decellularized organs
Dr. Kamal El-Din Hany Hussein Youssif 2020
35 Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention Prof. Magda Mahmoud Ali Omar 2020
36 Congenital urethral dilatation in cattle calves: Diagnosis and surgical intervention Dr. Kamal El-Din Hany Hussein Youssif 2020
37 Micro and ultrastructural changes monitoring during decellularization for the generation of a biocompatible liver
Dr. Tarek Mohammed Abdelmawgood Saleh 2019
38 Optimization of the effectiveness and cytocompatibility of Nigella
sativa as a co-treatment for reducing methotrexate-related
adverse effects
Dr. Tarek Mohammed Abdelmawgood Saleh 2019
39 A Prospective, Non-Controlled, Randomised, Clinical Trial of Abdominal Adhesions following Coeliotomy: Do Risk Factors Predispose to Surgical, Physiological and Histopathological Aetiologies?-An Analytical Study in Rabbit Models Dr. Mohammed Ahmed Hamdy Abdel-Hakiem Ali 2019
40 Grafting with double-layered polypropylene mesh for gap healing of mid-metacarpal superficial digital flexor tendon in Equus asinus: clinical and pathological evaluations Prof. Mohamed Adel Mohamed Ali 2019