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Effect of air pollution with lead from auto-exhaustions on serum levels of some macro-and microelements in donkeys.

Research Authors
Abd-El-Salam, M-N.1, Abdel All Th-S.2, W-M. Shimaa3
Research Abstract

The present study aimed to estimate the reflection of auto-exhaustions on levels of lead in blood, feces and hair in the exposed donkeys, the effect of lead toxicity on serum levels of macro-and micro-elements and to evaluate the relationship between them. This study constituted 64 donkeys aging from four years to 15 years old of both sex. The studied animals included 40 donkeys which are exposing daily to lead air pollution of motor vehicles (urban areas) and 24 donkeys in non-exposed localities (rural areas) were used as Control groups. Studied donkeys have been treated with wide spectrum anti-helminthes and subjected to careful clinical methods of examination. Whole blood, hair and fecal samples were collected from all animals in the study and prepared in the required form for estimation of lead levels by the atomic absorption spectrometry. Blood serum samples were collected from all animals in the study for biochemical analysis of macro-elements calcium, phosphorus and magnesium and micro-elements zinc, copper and iron. Clinical examination revealed poor performance of lead exposed donkeys and ensured the healthy condition of the control group. Estimation of lead levels in whole blood, hair and feces were highly significant (p < 0.01) in exposed donkeys if compared with control group. The levels of lead in hair of adult exposed donkeys (9-15) years were significantly (p < 0.05) higher if compared with the young group (4-8) years, while lead levels in whole blood and feces showed no significant changes between the two groups. Male exposed donkeys showed higher significant (p < 1.01) lead levels in mane hair if compared with the female exposed donkeys, while no significant changes were found in whole blood and feces between the two groups. Biochemical blood serum analysis of macro and microelements in examined donkeys indicated highly significant (p < 0.01) decrease in levels of Ca and P (mg/dl) and significant decrease (p < 0.05) in levels of Mg (mg/dl) in lead exposed donkeys if compared with the control group. In addition there were highly significant (p < 0.01) decrease in serum Zn levels and significant (p < 0.05) decrease in Cu, Fe (ug/dl) in lead exposed donkeys. Correlation between blood lead levels and blood serum macro-and micro-elements in lead exposed donkeys indicated non-significant negative correlations in serum Ca, Mg and Cu, while there were significant negative correlations in serum levels of P, Fe and Zn. The obtained results could conclude that the air is polluted with lead emitted from auto-exhaustions in the studied area. This resulted in increased levels of lead in all exposed animals causing poor performance in these animals. Increased lead levels in the hair samples than in blood and feces in exposed donkeys may indicate chronic exposure to air lead pollution and ensure the diagnostic value of hair in estimation of air lead pollution. Older male donkeys are highly risky than young female ones. Increased levels of lead in the blood had adverse effect on the serum levels of macro-elements Negative correlation is found between blood levels of lead and serum levels of macro and micro-elements in lead exposed donkeys.

Research Department
Research Journal
الموتمر العلمى السادس عشر للجمعية الأوربية البيطرية للتغذية والتغذية المقارنة بيدجوزيتش بولندن
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