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Molecular Variation between RT-PCR Detected Rotavirus Infection of Naturally Diarrheic Neonatal Calves and Rotavirus Strains of Commercial Vaccines

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Research Abstract

Neonatal diarrhea is the main cause of morbidity and mortality in calves, and Rotavirus is the main viral etiology.
Rotavirus vaccines are one of the main important methods for control of diarrhea in neonates’ calves. In the current study, Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of Bovine Rotavirus Group a (BRVA) were performed in our study. 1 Calf guard® vaccine genotype (G6P1) and 5 different field genotypes (2 G6P5, 1 G10P5, G10P? and 1 G10P11) were subjected to DNA sequencing. We observed that at the nucleotide level, G10P5 and G10P? Sequences were 100 % identical with each other, two G6P5 sequences were 100% identical with each other and there was no significant similarity between sequences of G10P11 with sequences of G6P5, G10P5, and G10P? The phylogenetic analysis of G10P5 and G10P? Isolates showed a close cluster with G10 isolates of Sharkia governorate, Egypt, phylogenetic analysis of two G6P5 and one G10P11 isolate showed a close cluster with the VP4 gene of Rotavirus isolates of Dakahlia Governorate, Egypt. Molecular comparison between detected and typed Rotaviruses’ genotypes with other genotypes of common vaccines indicated that there were genetically close or distance between field and vaccine Rotavirus strains. Our results can be concluded as the following, Molecular comparison between detected and typed Rotaviruses’ genotypes with other genotypes of common vaccines indicated that there was genetically close or distance between field and vaccinal Rotavirus strains. Also, we suggest that Rotavac vaccine containing G6P5 Rotavirus strain and Scour guard vaccine containing can be used in Assiut governorate due to circulating of G6P5 and G10P11 strains of Rotavirus in Assiut.

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Research Department
Research Journal
Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology Research
Research Member
Research Vol
Volume 4 | Issue 2
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