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An important announcement for first level students on Level 1 students to head to the Information Technology Services Unit headquarters in the ground floor health building to receive their academic…
Students of Level IV and Level 5 2018/2019 enrolled in the optional course (beauty surgery) speed of orientation to manage student affairs to change the decision as the department refused to teach…
Level IV groups published second semester 2019/2018And that is on the official Group of Student Affairs 
An important announcement for students enrolled in the pharmaceutical marketing material 
Announcement of the year's business examination for level-V students environmental health and pollution
Second level ad for bacteria 
Level 2 groups deployedSecond semester 2019/2018This is on the official group for Student Affairs and Youth Care in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Assiut University…
Third-level declaration on the subject of physiology
The optional courses were published for the second level on the official Group for Student Affairs and Youth Care in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Assiut University…
The Student/Marina Adel Rateb at Level 2 2018/2019 speed of orientation to the Department of Student Affairs of importance
Important announcement for third-level studentsAbout the year's business exam in general and scheduled animal medicine on Sunday at 3 pmIt was decided to amend the test date to be 12:00 noon instead…
First level groups published second semester 2019/2018And that on the official group for student Affairs