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He died to the mercy of Allah Almighty the father of Mr. Prof. Dr. Abdel Baset Nasr SayedHead of Nutrition Departmentand the administration of the college will be very sincere for his sovereignty and…
A decision by the board of the Veterinary Syndicate 
The written exams schedule for the first semester is January 2019. Modified on 28/11/2018
Schedule for the written exams for the first semester the role of January 2019 is very important (only case) in which the amendment is allowed to be a student on the same day, and if that is to go to…
Important announcement for students 3, 4 and 5The year and practice exam in the accommodation decision on Monday 2018/12/3 at 2.30 at the health sectionProf. Dr. Saber Kotb
Exam schedule for elective courses 2019/2018
Schedule of written exams for the first semester role January 2019
Important announcement for Level 1 
Congratulations to Dr./Najah Mohammed Saad and doctor/Madiha Hosny Darwish 
Mr. Hassan Abbas, Dean of the faculty, extends heartfelt congratulations to both the Vice-principals, the heads of departments and faculty members and their associates, and Mr. Secretary of the…
Appointment of Dr. Mustafa Ali Mahmoud Chargé d'affaires/director of Youth Welfare Department
Schedule for written exams for semester 1 January 2019Very important--------(only case) in which the modification is permitted is the presence (exams) of a student on the same day, and if that is to…