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The announcement of the department of surgery and anesthesia and rumor about the establishment of a training course on "Modern technologies for the use of the telescope in the digestive and…
Time table for academic year 2014/2015
The announcement of the Faculty of Agriculture about a project of fattening
The College of Law announce about the needing of post of Director of the Investigation Department of the College
أعلنت شركة جوجل أنها ستُقدّم 1 تيرابايت من المساحة التخزينية السحابية ضمن خدمة “جوجل درايف”، بشكل مجاني لمدّة عامين، وذلك للمُشترين الجدد لحواسب “كروم بوك” Chromebook المحمولة العاملة بنظام “كروم أو…
Important Alert for all employees of the university administration and general and colleges, institutes and university hospitals
university childrens hospital announces its need for ajob
Center of Analysis & Applied and Veterinary Studies in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine - Cairo University for organizing a seminar entitled "Middle East Respiratory Syndrome " December 18, 2014
An invitation to attend a workshop on scientific research projects funded by the European Union on Sunday, 12/07/2014
Grants from the Embassy of Brunei Darussalam for the academic year 2016/2015
Announces the development of engineering education center at the Faculty of Engineering in sessions