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Announces Medical Technology Center, University of Alexandria will hold a workshop titled "Hands on Basic Techniques needed in: The use of Laboratory Animals in Experimental Medicine and Research" in…
An invitation to attend from the IT services of college to explain how to use e-academic activate electronic correspondence on Saturday, 17/01/2015
Invitation for students sharing at the festival (ours activities integrated student) during the period from 7-11 / 1/2015
Invitation to attend the Special Meeting of the Council of Management Unit to ensure quality faculty on Sunday, 01/18/2015
Crescent Nigerian university needs professors in several disciplines
The announcement of the department of surgery and anesthesia and rumor about the establishment of a training course on "Modern technologies for the use of the telescope in the digestive and…
Time table for academic year 2014/2015
The announcement of the Faculty of Agriculture about a project of fattening
The College of Law announce about the needing of post of Director of the Investigation Department of the College
أعلنت شركة جوجل أنها ستُقدّم 1 تيرابايت من المساحة التخزينية السحابية ضمن خدمة “جوجل درايف”، بشكل مجاني لمدّة عامين، وذلك للمُشترين الجدد لحواسب “كروم بوك” Chromebook المحمولة العاملة بنظام “كروم أو…
An invitation to attend a workshop on scientific research projects funded by the European Union on Sunday, 12/07/2014
Important Alert for all employees of the university administration and general and colleges, institutes and university hospitals