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Surveillance of enteropathogenic Campylobacter in raw poultry meat and some poultry products in Assiut City

Research Authors
Amal, S.M.Sayed and Amal A. Mohamed
Research Abstract

Campylobacter is considered among the most important pathogens reported as a cause of bacterial
enteritis in human. Epidemiological evidence has linked Campylobacter infection in human with
poultry and poultry products. One hundred and eighty random samples from broiler carcasses and
some poultry products including cecal contents, muscles, liver, gizzard, chicken minced meat and
chicken luncheon samples ( 30 each) were aseptically collected from local poultry slaughter shops
and supermarkets at different districts in Assiut province at the period from February to April
2004.These samples were examined for the occurrence of Campylobacter species. The obtained
results indicated that Campylobacter species were isolated from 39.17% and 10% of the examined
broiler carcasses and poultry products , respectively. Campylobacter species were recovered from
muscles, liver and cecal contents with a rate of 53.33% , 20% and 83.33%, respectively. C. jejuni
was detected in muscles (16.7%), liver (3.33%), cecal contents (46.7%) and chicken minced meat
(20% ), meanwhile C. coli was determined in muscles (36.7%), liver (16.7%) and cecal contents
(36.7%). Antibiotic resistance patterns were determined for C. jejuni isolates obtained from
muscles, liver and chicken minced meat. In additio’’’n plasmid profile were performed to correlate
between antibiotic resistance and plasmid carriage among these isolates. It was found that 75% of
C. jejuni isolates obtained from muscles, liver and chicken minced meat showed resistance to
ampicillin, followed by 50% of the strains were resistant to chloramphenicol in addition 25% of the
strains were resistant to erythromycin, gentamycin and tetracycline. Correlation between plasmid
profile analysis and antibiotic resistance of the examined strains were discussed. Public health
hazard of multiple antibiotic resistant enteropathogenic Campylobacter was discussed and
suggestive measures for reduction of Campylobacter in broilers and poultry products were

Research Department
Research Journal
Assiut Vet. Med
Research Member
Research Rank
Research Vol
Vol.50. No.102
Research Year
Research Pages
PP. 80-94