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Prevalence of the intestinal nematodes in equines with an assessment of the therapeutic approach using albendazole and doramectin

Research Authors
Walaa Mostafa, Ahmed Abdel-Rady, Fatma Ahmed Khalifa, Mohamed Morsi Elkamshishi, Hisham Awny, Wael Felefel
Research Abstract

Intestinal nematode parasites of equines have emerged as a pressing and urgent challenge due to their worldwide impact on health performance and economy; therefore, implementing a deworming regimen has become vital to keep a horse's parasite load at an acceptable level. The current study aimed to estimate the prevalence of nematode infection, and associated risk factors and evaluate the chemotherapeutic efficacy of two anthelmintic drugs by enrolling 195 fecal samples of working equines by using the flotation concentration technique the positive cases were 137 working equines with the overall prevalence of intestinal nematode parasites in working equines 70.25%. Accordingly, animals were divided into four groups; Group 1 received albendazole orally, Group 2 received doramectin injection, Group 3 received a combination of albendazole and doramectin, and Group 4 was left untreated as a positive control. The recovered nematodes were Strongylus species, 87.17% followed by Parascaris equorum 30.76%, and Oxyuris equi 12.82%. Concerning treatment efficacy, the highest cure rate was among Group 3 (77.14%), followed by Group 2 (68.57%) and Group 1 (40%), but the difference between Groups 2 and 3 was statistically insignificant. Interestingly, the effect of doramectin injection was more significant than others, especially for the reduction of Strongylus spp. and Parascaris equorum eggs according to Cohen's D test. Translating such a potent combination of drugs into endemic areas will provide significant support for deworming and control programs against intestinal parasites of equines, especially those in the migratory phase, more than albendazole alone, which has poor absorption as it requires a full stomach during administration.

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Egyptian Veterinary Medical Socoety of Parasitology Journal
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