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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
4181 A Comparative Study of the Surgical Anatomy of the Tendons of Insertions of the Extrinsic Muscles of the Eyeball in different Domestic Animals.[Eine Vergleichend-anatomische Untersuchung der Sehnenasatze der ausseren Augenumuskeln bei Verschiedenen Hausti Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1982
4182 The Effect Of Feeding Post-Harvesting Remenants On: C. Serum And Ruminal Juice Electrolytes, Glucose And Protein. Department of Animal Medicine Prof. Ahmed Abdel Fattah Amer Ibrahim 1982
4183 Aflatoxin and aflatoxicosis: 2-Effect of aflatoxin on ovaries and testicles in mature domestic fowls Department of Animal Hygiene Prof. Ahmed Hosni Hafiz Elsayed 1982
4184 Anaerobic ruminal bacteria of clinically healthy sheep in Assiut (Clinical report) Department of Avian & Rabbit Medicine Prof. Awad Abdel-Hafez Ibrahim Fadl 1982
4185 The Effect Of Feeding Post-Harvesting Remenants On: C. Serum And Ruminal Juice Electrolytes, Glucose And Protein. Department of Animal Medicine Prof. Mohamed Naguib Abd-El- Salam Abdullah 1982
4186 Long Term Haematological and Serum Protein Changes Following Splenectomy in Sheep Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1982
4187 The structure of the Ultimobranchial body of the duck Department of Anatomy and Histology Prof. Ahmed Hassan Sayed Hassan 1981
4188 Biochemical Changes of Some Cerebrospinal Fluid constituents in Uraemic and Splenectomized Rams Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1981
4189 Certain Biochemical Studies on Proximal and Distal Resection of the Small Intestine in Dogs Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1981
4190 Histopathological Changes in Wound Healing of Skin, in the Dogs Undergone Resection of Small Intestine Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1981