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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
4081 Experimental study of summer stress in rabbit. 11- The quantitative and qualitative pathogenesis of spermatogenic cell cycle in rabbit Department of Pathology Prof. Mohammed Ibrahim Mohammed El Sherry 1980
4082 Experimental colonic anastomosis in dogs. Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Mahmoud Tantawi Mohamed Nassef 1979
4083 Anatomical Studies on the N. Maxillaris of the One Humped Camel (Camelus dromedarius) With Special Reference to its Blockade Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1979
4084 Some Histopathological and Biochemical Studies on Rams After Experimental Rupture of the Urinary Bladder Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1979
4085 Vitamin E, normal carotenoids and vitamin correlations in the liver of Egyptian ruminants in Summer Department of Animal and Clinical Nutrition Prof. Nabila Abdel-Hady Jaziah 1979
4086 1. Studies on the Accessory Genital Glands of Balady Duck With Special References to Seasonal Changes.1. The Histomorphological Changes. Department of Anatomy and Histology Prof. Hilmi Muhammad Ahmad Badawi 1979
4087 1. Studies on the Accessory Genital Glands of Balady Duck With Special References to Seasonal Changes.1. The Histomorphological Changes. Department of Anatomy and Histology Prof. Mohammed Rashad Mohammed Fath Elbab Mahgob 1979
4088 The Role of the Spleen for the Blood circulation of Sheep After Sedation With Rompun.[Die Bedeutung der Milz fur den Blutkreislauf von Schafen Nach der Sedierung Mit Rompun] Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1979
4089 Thoracic LEimb Splints in donkeys Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1979
4090 The Anatomy of the Tendons of Insertions of Extrinsic Muscles of the Eyeball in the Pig Department of Animal Surgery Prof. Nabil Ahmed Mohamed Misk 1979