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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
2721 Plant-microbe interactions: identification of epiphytic bacteria and their ability to alter leaf surface permeability Department of Food Hygiene Prof.Dr. Mohammed Sayed Ahmed Moursy 2005
2722 Effect of mothering ability on the development of behaviour and performance of lambs Department of animals and poultry behaviors and management Prof. Madeha Hosny Ahmed Darwish 2005
2723 Rapid diagnosis of Tetracapsuloides bryosalmonae, the causative agent of proliferative kidney disease (PKD) in salmonid fish by a novel DNA amplification method, loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). Department of Aquatic Animals Medicine and Management Prof. Hatem Mohamed Toughan Soliman 2005
2724 Morphology of the ampulla ductus deferentis of one humped camel. Light and scanning electron microscopy studies Department of Anatomy and Histology Prof. Abdelmohaimen Moustafa Mohamed Saleh 2005
2725 - ): The effect of L-carnitine on digestibility and carnitine metabolism in pigeons(Columba liva domestica) fed corn or peas. Vlaaml Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 74:283-287. Department of Animal and Clinical Nutrition Prof. Abdul Sattar Mohamed Abdellah Abdullah 2005
2726 Morphology of the ampulla ductus deferentis of one humped camel. Light and scanning electron microscopy studies. Department of Anatomy and Histology Prof. Abdelmohaimen Moustafa Mohamed Saleh 2005
2727 Some minerals and electrolytes level in serum of pregnancy toxemic Does with special reference to treatment trial. Department of Animal Medicine Prof. Mahmoud Rushdi Abd Ellah Ahmed 2005
2728 Aluminum induced neurorotoxicity and oxidative damage in rabbits: Protective effect of melatonin Department of Pathology Prof. Sary Khaleel Abd Elghaffar Nasr 2005
2729 . Isolation of Campylobacter jejuni From Japaneese Quail (Coturnix coturnix) and Public Health Implications. Department of Avian & Rabbit Medicine Prof. Ragab Sayed Ibrahim Ali 2005
2730 Aluminum induced neurorotoxicity and oxidative damage in rabbits: Protective effect of melatonin Department of Forensic Medicine Prof. Ahmed Abdel-Baki Sharkawy El-sherif 2005