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# Title Department Research Member Research Year
1221 Studies on the Epidemiology, Vaccination, Susceptibility, and Treatment of Columnaris Disease in Fishes
Department of Aquatic Animals Medicine and Management Dr. Haitham Hussein Mohammed 2015
1222 Comparative Structural Organization of Skin in Red-Tail Shark
(Epalzeorhynchos Bicolor) and Guppy (Poecilia Reticulata)
Department of Anatomy and Histology Dr. Doaa Mohamed Mokhtar Mahmoud Ali 2015
1223 Effects of propylene glycol on the metabolic status and milk production of dairy buffaloes Department of Animal and Clinical Nutrition Prof. Sherief Mohamed Abdel- Raheem Diab 2015
1224 Sequence-based genotyping clarifies conflicting historical morphometric and biological data for 5 Eimeria species infecting turkeys Department of Avian & Rabbit Medicine Prof. Mustafa al-Bakri Sayf al-Din Yusuf Abdul Jalil 2015
1225 Fimbriae Expression by Edwardsiella tarda in High-salt Culture Conditions Department of Aquatic Animals Medicine and Management Prof. Mahmoud Mostafa Mahmoud Mohamed 2015
1226 Novel mice model of hypertension, hyperlipidemia and diabetes mellitus for pancreas transplantation research. Department of Animal Surgery Dr. Kamal El-Din Hany Hussein Youssif 2015
1227 Inhibition of Spring Viraemia of Carp Virus replication in an epithelioma papulosum cyprini cell line by RNAi Department of Aquatic Animals Medicine and Management Prof. Hatem Mohamed Toughan Soliman 2015
1228 Behavioral changes and feathering score in heat stressedbroiler chickens fed diets containing different levels ofpropolis Department of Animal Hygiene Prof. Mootaz Ahmed Mohamed Abdel-Rahman. 2015
1229 Ovarian, endocrinological and metabolic changes in ewes supplemented with short term-metabolic energy during the estrous cycle
Department of Theriogenology Prof. Dirar Refat Ibrahim Mohamed 2015
1230 General Animal Medicine Research
Department of Animal Medicine Prof. Ibrahim Hussein Ahmed Abdel-Rahim 2015