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Some Histopathological and Biochemical Studies on Rams After Experimental Rupture of the Urinary Bladder

Research Authors
H.A. Salem, A.A. Amer, N.A. Misk and T.A. El-Allawy
Research Abstract

Experimental rupture of the urinary bladder was conducted in four rams. Blood, urine and abdominal fluid samples were collected before and at regular intervals following the opera¬tion till death. Besides, heart, liver and kidney tissue samples were examined microsco¬pically. The study revealed:¬
3-Small few foci of fibrinous inflammation with degeneration in the myocardium, tub¬ular nephrosis with some glomerular changes and centrilobular hepatic necrosis with congestion of the intestine.
4-Progressive elevation of blood urea nitro¬gen, non-protein nitrogen, serum creatinine serum inorganic phosphorus and serum potassium level in relation to time post-operation. Serum, sodium and chloride levels behaved on the contrary. Similar data were achieved in urine and abdominal fluid sam¬ples

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Research Journal
Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal
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