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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

Mr.Mohamed Nasr Eldeen Helmi , postgraduate student at the Agricultural economics.Department, will hold a seminar on   “The Problems or Obstacles facing the Export Activity of the Most Important…
 Mr.Samr Ashrf El-sheshtawi , postgraduate student at the Agricultural economics.Department, will hold a seminar on   “An Economic Study of Agricultural Foreign Trade with the Nile Basin Countries…
The Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mr. Mohamed Abd-Elmonaem Mohamed Hussein, Plant Pathology. Department, entitled:   "Studies on Botrytis Blasting Disease of Onion Seed Head". Under supervision of: 1…
Mr.Yaser Shehata Ali , postgraduate student at the Horticulture (Pomology) Department, will hold a seminar on “Effect of Salinity and Some Salinity Curing Compoundes on Yield and Fruit Quality of…
Mr.Mohmed Abd-Ellatef Orabi, postgraduate student at the Rural Sociology & Agricultural Extension Department, will hold a seminar on “Application of Digital Technology in Some Rural Development…
Mr.Amira Mostafa Kottb , postgraduate student at the Horticulture (Vegetables) Department, will hold a seminar on “Effect of Media and Intercropping on Growth and Production of Oyster Mushroom (…
SEMINAR of Mr.Mahmoud
The Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mr. Hamdi Ahmad Hassan Mahmoud , Animal, poultry production. Department, entitled: "Some managerial manipulations improving egg and meat Production in chickens "…
The Ms.C. Thesis submitted by Mr. Ahmed Mohamed Ali , Agronomy Department, entitled: "Pedigree selection for some agronomic traits in tow populations of Egyptian cotton under late planting"…
Mr.Sayid Hussein Sayid, postgraduate student at the Horticulture(Vegetables). Department, will hold a seminar on “Comparative assessment for different substrate preparation schemes in production…
The Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mr. Rasha Ezat Elsayid , Agronomy Department, entitled: "Response to selsction for earliness and yield in bread wheat under normal and drough conditions" Under…
M.Sc. Thesis Discussion The M.Sc. Thesis submitted by Mr. Abd-Elrahem Mohamed Abd-Elmaaboud, Agricultural Economic. Department, entitled: "An Economical Study of Production and Marketing of…