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List of Publication
Prof.Dr.Sobhy A. Temerak
Head of Biocontrol Unit
Coll. of Agric. , Assiut University, Egypt

I. Publication of Temerak’s M. Sc. Thesis
Title of Thesis : “Microbial Control of Phyto

مؤلف البحث
Temerak and others
ملخص البحث

List of Publication
Prof.Dr.Sobhy A. Temerak
Head of Biocontrol Unit
Coll. of Agric. , Assiut University, Egypt

I. Publication of Temerak’s M. Sc. Thesis
Title of Thesis : “Microbial Control of Phytophagous insects in Upper Egypt” Faculty of Agric., Univ. of Assiut (1961).
1. Ali, A. M., M. Hafez, S. A. Temerak, and F. A. Drwish, 1973. Studies on Serratia marcescens an indigenous pathogen against certain insects in Egypt. Agric. Res. Rev., Cairo 53: 27 – 34.

2. Khalil, F.M., A. M. Ali, S. A. Temerak, and F.A. Darwish. 1974. Pathogenecity tests of the bacterium Serratia mercescens (Bizio) on the Cotton leaf worm Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd). Assiut J. Agr. Sci. 5: 153 – 162.

3. Khalil, F.M., M. Hafez, S. A. Temerak, and F.A. Darwish. 1975. Effect of the bacterium Serratia mercescens (Bizio) as a pathogen on the lesser Cotton leaf worm Spodoptera exigua (Hb.). Agric. Res. Rev., Cairo 53: 21 - 25.

II. Publications of Temerak’s Ph.D. Thesis
Title of Thesis :“Studies on Certain Mortality Factors Affecting Distribution and Abundance of Sugarcane Borers in Upper Egypt.” Faculty of Agric., Univ. of Assiut (1976).
4. Abou-Ghadir, M.F., A.A. Negm, A.G.A. Salman, A.M. Ali, and S.A. Temerak. 1976. A preliminary report on the impact of the shrew, an insect-feeding mammal, on pink borer, Sesamia cretica Led. populations hibernating in stacked stalks of grain sorghums at Assiut. Proc. 3rd . Pest Conter. Conf. Ain Shams Univ. (Egypt). P. 427 – 430.

5. Abou-Ghadir, M.F., A.A. Negm, A.G.A. Salman and S.A. Temerak. 1978. Quantitative analysis of the relationship between predaceous arthropods and the purple-lined borer, Chilo agamemnon Blesz. Proc. 4th. Conf. Pest. Contr. NRC, Cairo (Egypt). P. 726 – 733.

6. Negm, A.A., M.F. Abou-Ghadir, And S.A. Temerak. 1976. Partial taxonomic lists of arboreal and soil – inhabiting predaceous arthropods (Insecta and Araneida) in Egyptian sugarcane fields. Assiut (Egypt). Assiut J. Agr. Sci. 7 : 213 – 222.

7. Negm, A.A., M.F. Abou-Ghadir, A.G.A. Salman, A.M. Ali And S.A. Temerak. 1978. The role of the braconid, Bracon brevicornis Wesmael as a winter mortality factor of hibernating Sesamia cretica Led. Larvae in stacked grain sorghums and corn stalks. Assiut J. Agr. Sci. (Egypt). 7 : 91 – 101.

8. Negm, A.A., A.G.A. Salman, M.F. Abou-Ghadir, S.A. Temerak. 1978. Effect of two sugarcane varieties and distance between rows on the relative abundance of predaceous arthropods. Proc. 4th. Conf. Pest Control NRC, Cairo (Egypt). P. 693 – 699.

9- Salman, A.G.A., A.A. Negm, M.F. Abou-Ghadir, A.M. Ali and S.A. Temerak. 1978. Use of a supplementary food source to enhance the effectiveness of the Braconid, Bracon brevicornis Wesmael. Sesamia cretica Led. Larvae, with field notes on its biology and behavior. Assiut J. Agr. Sci. (Egypt) 8: 103 – 112.

10. Salman, A.G.A., A.A. Negm, M.F. Abo-Ghadir and S.A. Temerak. 1978. The relative prevalence of arboreal and soil-inhabiting arthropods in sugarcane field in Upper Egypt. Proc. 4th. Conf. Past Control NRC, Cairo P. 218 – 226.

III. Post-Doctoral

11. Temerak, S.A. 1978. Infectivity tests utilizing the red-pigmented bacterium, Serratia marcesens (Bizio) against the grasshopper, Aiolopus strepens (Later.) . Proc, 4th. Conf. Pest Control NRG, Cairo (Egypt). P. 700 – 707.

12. Temerak, S.A., and A.A. Negm. 1978. Simultaneous use of several damage criteria to evaluate differential response of certain sugarcane varieties to infestation by the purple-lined sugar-cane borer, Chilo agamemnon Blesz. Proc. 4th. Conf. Pest Control NRG Cairo (Egypt). P. 169 – 178.

13. Negm, A.A. and S.A. Temerak. 1979. Studies on certain behavioral attributes of the oophagous wasp, Trichogramma evanescens Westwood under natural field condition through new interpretations of date on parasitism of the purple-lined borer, Chilo agamemnon Blesz. in sugarcane fields. Assiut J. Agric. Sci (Egypt) 10: 3 – 13.

14. Temerak, S.A. 1979. Interactions between the red-pigmented bacterium Serratia marcescens, the pink borer, Sesamia cretica and the parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis. Proc, 3rd. Pesticide Conf. Tanta Univ. (Egypt) (Vol. 1B) : 519 – 526.

15. Temerak, S.A. 1979. Laboratory trials to investigate disease-parasitoid relationships in natural population of the pink borer, Sesamia cretica Lederer in storage area of corn stalks. Proc. 3rd. Pesticide Conf. Tanta. Univ. (Egypt) (Vol.1B) : 527 – 533.

16. Temerak, S.A. 1979. Effect of superparastism on the Braconid paresitoid, Bracon brevicornis Wesmael. Proc. 3rd . Pesticide Conf. Tanta. Univ. (Egypt) (Vol. 1B): 534 – 539.

17. Temerak, S.A. and A.A. Negm. 1979. Impact and differential effect of certain biomortality factors on the eggs and newly–hatched larvae of the pink borer, Sesamia cretica Lederer on two sugarcane varieties. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Entomologie 88 : 313 – 318.

18.Temerak, S.A. and A.A. Negm. 1979. The relationship of true spider populations (Arachnida : Araneomorphae) to sugarcane infestation by the purple-lined borer, Chilo agamemnon Blesz. Assiut J. of Agric. Sci. (Egypt) 10 : 15 – 21.

19.Temerak, S.A. 1979. Field management of the potato tuberworm, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller), infesting certain potato varieties through manipulation of different levels of irrigation. Bull. Soc. ent. Egypt. 62 : 155 – 160.

20. Temerak, S.A. 1979. A Preliminary survey on the soil-inhabiting predaceous arthropods associated with pupae of the large sugar cane borer, Sesamia cretica Led. in sorghum field. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypt. 62: 251– 255.

21.Temerak, S.A. 1980. Deterimental effects of rearing a braconid parasitoid on the pink borer larvae inoculated by different concentrations of the bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Entomologie. 89 : 315 – 319.

IV. Post Associate Professor
22. Temerak, S.A., 1980. Simultaneous effect of variety and row spacing on sugarcane damage inflicted by the purple–line borer, Chilo agamemnon Brezynski. Proc. Ist Conf. Plant Protection Res. Inst. Dokki. Cairo (Egypt). Vol. I p. 221 – 231.

23. Temerak, S.A. and A.M. Ali. 1980. A tentative survey on the entomophagous insects recovered from wheat field in Upper Egypt. Assiut J. of Agr. Sci. 11 (3) : 69 – 74.

24. Temerak, S.A., 1980–81. Effect of different constant temperatures on certain biological aspects of Bracon brevicornis Wesmael,a larval ectoparasitoid of Sesamia cretica Led. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypt. 63 : 129 – 134.

25 .Temerak, S.A., M.A. Morsy and F.A. Abdel-Ghalil 1980–81. Notes on relative impact of Bracon Brevicornis Wesmael and its hyperparasitoid through population of the hibernating pink borers in stacked sorghum stalks. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypt 63 : 213 – 218.

26. Farghal. A. I. and Temerak, 1981. Effect of Juvenile hormone analogue on some culicine mosquitoes and their associated insects under field and laboratoty condition. Z. ang. Ent. (West Germany) 92 : 505 – 510.

27. Abdel-Ghalil, F.A., M.A.A. Morsy and S.A Temerak, S.A., 1981. Relative toxicity of certain insecticides against cotton seedling pests and their side effect on soil-inhabiting true spiders. 1st. inter. Conf. For soil protection. Zaziq Univ. P. 522 – 530.

28. Mosry, M.A.A., F.A. Abdel- alil and S.A. Temerak, 1981. Thermal regulation of pupal diapause in zizyphus Fruit Fly, Carpomyia incompleta Becker (Diptera : Trypetidae). Proc. 4th . Arab Pesticide Conf. Tanta Univ. (Egypt) Vol. III A P. 179 – 186.

29. Morsy ,M.A.A., S.A Temark and F.A. Abdel-Galil .1981. The influences of constant temperatures and thermorhythms on the pupal development of the zizyphus fruit fly, Carpomyia incomleta Becker (Diptera:Trypetidae)and the preimmagnal stages of its parasite, Opius concolor szpel (Braconidae :Hymenoptera).Proc.4th.Arab. pesticide conf. Tanta Univ. (Egypt) vol. 111 a. p. 187-196.

30. Temerak, S.A.. 1981.Qualitative and quantitative survey on the oophagous wasps attacking the pink borer, Sesamia cretica Led. (Lep.,Noctuidae) on 3 germanous crops in upper Egypt. Z. ang. Ent.(west Germeny) 91:398-402.

31. Temerak, S.A. 1981. Notes on relative prevalence and faunistic composition of Predators recovered from pit-fall traps in sorghum, corn and soybeans fields. Assiut J. of Agr. Sci. (Egypt). 12: 173 – 179.

32. Temerak, S.A. 1981. Beneficial and harmful insect populations entangled in the lines of a web- building spider on granati trees in Egypt. Anz. Schad. Pflanz. Um. (West Germany) 54: 90 – 93 (in German).

33. Temerak, S.A. 1981. Differential response and suitability of the hibernating and active larvae of Sesamia cretica Led. to the development of the parasitoid Bracon brevicornis. Anz Schad. Pflanz. U. 54 : 149 – 151 (in German).

34. Temerak, S.A. 1981. Direct field observations on the behavior, damage – appearance, and development of the pink borer Sesamia cretica Led. (Lep., Noctuidae) on 2 sugarcane varieties. Proc. 4th . Arab. Pesticide Conf. Tanta Univ. (Egypt) Special Vol. P. 143 – 148.

35. Temerak, S.A. 1981. Direct. observations on certain biotic factors affecting the hatchability of the Pink borer, Sesamia cretica on 3 gramineous crops under natural field conditions. 4th . Arab. Pesticide Conf. Tanta Univ. (Egypt) Special Vol. P. 129 – 135.

36. Temerak, S.A. and A.I. Farghal. 1981. Relative prevalence of beneficial and harmful insect Populations entrapped in the spiders web of limes trees in Upper Egypt. Proc. 4th . Arab. Pesticide Conf. Tanta Univ. (Egypt) Special Vol. P. 191 – 199.
37. Farghal, A.I. and S.A. Temerak. 1982. Notes on the pathogencity of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelelnsis for Culex pepiens molestus larvae. Anz. Schad. Pflan. Um. (West Germany) 55 : 66 – 68.

38.Temerak, S.A. 1982. Transmission of two bacterial pathogens by the ovipositor of Bracon brevicornis Wesm. into the body cavity of Sesamia cretica Led. Anz. Schad. Pflanz. Um. (West Germany) 55: 89 – 92.

39. Temerak, S.A. 1982. Interactions between Bacillus thuringiensis Berl. and the Parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis Wesm. through Sesamia cretica Led. larvae as host insect, in response to temperatures. Anz. Schad. Pflanz. Um. (West Germany) 55 : 137 – 140.

40.Temerak, S.A. 1982. Laboratory studies on host habitat location of Bracon brevicornis Wesm. (Hym., Braconidae) parasitoid of the larvae, Sesamia cretica led. ( Lep., Noctuidae) in sorghum stalks. Anz. Schad. Pflanz. Um. (West Germany) 55 : 152 – 140.

41.Temerak, S.A., F.A. Abdel-Galil, and M.A.A. Morsy. 1982. Time required for the development of the braconid, Bracon brevicornis Wesmael. on Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus) larvae at different constant temperatures. Assiut J. of Agr. Sci. (Egypt).

42.Temerak, S.A., and M.M. Rizk. 1982. The prey of the web-builder, Dictyna sp. (Arachnida, Dictynidae) on apple trees in Upper Egypt. Assiut J. of Agr. Sci. (Egypt) 13: 209 – 215.

43. Temerak, S.A., 1982 – 83. The susceptibility to Chilo agamemnon Blez. (Lep. : Crambidae) in two commercial varieties of sugarcane and factors affecting intensity of infestation. Bull. Soc. Ent. Egypt. 64 : 1 – 7.

44.Temerak, S.A., 1983 An improved technique for producing more females of the parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis Wesm. (Hym., Braconidae). Anz. Schad. Pflanz. Um. (West Germany) 56 : 34 – 36.

45.Temerak, S.A., 1983 Longevity of Bracon brevicornis (Hym., Braconidae) adults as influenced by nourishment on artificial and natural foods. Entomophage 28 (2) : 145 – 150.

46.Temerak, S.A., 1983 Studies on Pediobius bruchicida (Round .) (Hym., Eulophidae) a hyperparasitoid of Sesamia cretica Led. (Lep., Noctuidae). Z. ang. Ent. (West Germany) 93 : 267 – 272.

47.Temerak, S.A., 1983 Increasing venom potency of the parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis Wesmael by bacterial pathogens. Assiut J. of Agric. Science 14 (4) : 129 – 136.

48.Temerak, S.A., 1983.Taxanomic lists of beneficial and harmful insects entangled in the lines of the spider, Dictyna sp. (Dictynidae) on grantee and limes trees in Upper Egypt. Assiut J. of Agric. Science 14(4):139– 48.

49. Temerak, S.A., 1983. Studies on certain factors affecting the envenomation by the parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis Wesmael. I Rates of famales to host larva, ratios of host larvae to a female, and size of host insect. Z. ang. Ent. (West Germany) 96: 364 – 368.

50.Temerak, S.A., 1983. Laboratory studies on certain factors affecting the envenomation by the parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis Wesmael. II Effect of famales age, starvation and temperatures. Z. ang. Ent. (West Germany) 96: 428 – 432.

51.Temerak, S.A., 1983. Host Preferences of the Parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis Wecmael (Hym.; Braconidae) and host sensitivity to its venom . Z. ang. Ent. (West Germany) 96: 37 – 41.

52.Temerak, S.A., 1984. Suitability of five Lepidoptera host insects to the ectolarval parasitoid. Bracon brevicornis wesmael. Z. ang. Ent. (west Germany) 97 : 210 – 213.

53.Temerak, S.A., 1984. Studies on certain factors affecting the egg deposition of Bracon brevicornis (Hym., Braconidae). Z. ang. Ent. (west Germany) 97 : 523 – 527.

54.Temerak, S.A., 1984. Interrelationship between the red-pigmented bacterium, Serratia marcescens and a braconid Parasitoid, throught the pink borer larvae as host insect. Anz. Shad. Pflanz. Um. 57 : 7 – 9.

55.Temerak, S.A., 1984. A note on discrimination by the Parasitoid, Bracon brevicornis (Hym.; Braconidae) between non–infected and bacteria– infected Sesamia cretica larvae (Lep., Noctuidae). Anz. Shad. Pflanz. Um. 57 : 54 – 56.

56.Temerak, S.A., and W. H. Whitcomb 1983. Parasitoids of the bean leaf roller, Urbanus proteus (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera : Hesperiidae) recovered from two soybean sites in Alachua County, Florida, U.S.A. Assiut J. of Agric. Sciences 14 (4) : 183 – 190.

57.Temerak, S.A., and W.H. Whitcomb 1984. Parasitoids of predaceous and phytophagous pentatomid bugs at two sites of soybean fields in Alachua County, Florida. Z. ang. Ent. (West Germany) 97: 279 – 282.

58.Temerak, S.A., and W.H. Whitcomb 1984. Parasitoids reared from arthropods inhabiting soybean foliage at two sites in Alachua County, Florida. Assiut J. of Agric. Sciences 15 : 191 – 201.

59. Temerak, S.A., and W.H. Whitcomb 1983. Evaluation of three methods of collecting parasitoids at two sites of soybean fields in Alachua Country, Florida, including a taxonomic list. Assiut J. of Agric Sciences 14 (4) : 151 – 161.

60. Temerak, S.A., and W.H. Whitcomb 1983. A report on Parasitoids recorded from arthropod predators inhabiting soybean fields in Alachua County, Florida, U.S.A. Assiut J. of Agric. Sciences 14 (4) : 163 – 169.

61. Temerak, S.A., D.G. Boucias and W.H. Whitcomb 1984. A single-embedded nuclear phytophagous virus and entomophagous insects associated with populations of the beam leaf roller larvae, Urbanus proteus (Lep., Hesperidae). Z. ang. Ent (west germany) 97: 187 – 191.

62. Sayed, A.A. and S.A. Temerak 1995. Mechanical, chemical and biological control of Cadra spp. on date palm trees at Kharga oasis, New Valley Governorate. Assiut J. of Agric. 26 (3) : 51 – 57.

63. Temerak, S.A., and A.A. Sayed 2001. Comparative performance of Bacillus thurigiensis subsp kurstaki, and the natural product spinosad for the control of the pomegranate moth Viracloa livia (Klug) infesting date palm trees in New Valley, Egypt . Assiut J. of Agric. 32 (4) : 1 – 6.

64. Sayed, A.A. , S.A. Temerak and P.vergoulas 2001. Comparative performance of Bacillus thurigiensis subsp Kurstaki, and the natural product spinosad for the control of the lesser date moth Batrachedra amydraula Meyrick infesting date palm trees in New Valley, Egypt. Assiut J. of Agric 32 (3):183-188

65.Temerak S.A. 2002. Historical records of field cotton leafworm ( Spodoptera littoralis ) resistance to conventional insecticides as influenced by the resistance programs in Egypt.
Resistant Pest management Newsletter 12 ( 1 ) : 7-10

66. Temerak, S.A., 2003. Spinosad, a new naturally derived potato tuber worm contol agent in comparisons to certain conventional insecticides. Assiut J. of agric. Sci. 34 (4 ): 153-161.

67. Temerak, S.A., 2003. Negative cross resistance of the natural product spinosad; an interesting observation in the filed population of Spodoptera littoralis on cotton in Egypt.
Resistant Pest management Newsletter 13 ( 1 ) : 33-36

68.Sayed A.A. and S.A.Temerak 2003. Enclosing date bunches in bags versus using four biological control agents for Viracola livia ( Klug.) suppression on date palm. Proc. of the international conf. on date palm, Qassem,Sudi Arabia, 16-19 sept. 325-330

69-Temerak, S. A. and A. A. Sayed ( 2003 ). Successful Current Control Measurements to Combat date palm Key Insect Pests in the Absence of Traditional Insecticides in The New Valley Egypt. Absracts of International Conference on date palm, College of Agric. And Vet. Med., King Saud University (Qaseem Branch), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 16-19 September, Page 87.

70. Temerak, S.A., 2003. Differential Susceptibility of Pink and Spiny Bollworms to the Ova-larvicidal Activity of Spinosad , a Natural Metabolite of the Actinomycete Saccharopolyspora spinosa with Special Reference to Solve the Field Failure of Thiodiocarb in the Current Resistance Rotation Spraying Program in Egypt.
Resistant Pest management Newsletter 13 ( 1 ) : 427-46
71.Temerak, S.A. 2005. Ovicidal activity of the natural bio-product spinosad through field observation of tagged egg masses of Spodoptera littoralis on cotton, in five Governorates of Egypt. Assiut Jouranal of Agric. Sciences. 36 ( 1) :85-95
72. Temerak ,S.A. 2006. Refugium Area as an Important Tool for B.t. Cotton to Delay Resistance and Improve Host/Prey Availability for Natural Enemies Specially in the Monocultures Agro-ecosystem . Resistant Pest Management Newsletter 15 ( 2 ) : 52-58

73. Temerak, S.A. 2006. Role of moth scales remain on the top of eggmasses of Spodoptera littoralis and its interference with the performance of the natural bio-product spinosad . J. Ent. 3 ( 2) : 102-107

74-Temerak.S.A. 2006 . Historical records of application of bio-control agents and IPM to combat Cotton Leafworm and cotton bollworms with special reference to the hazard of conventional insecticides from 1900-2006. World j. of Ag. Sci. 2 (3 ): 227-232
75-Sayed ,A.A., S.A.Temerak,H.K.bekhit and S.M.M. Gamel .2007. Natural metabolites to combat Viracola livia inhibited date palm fields at Dakhla oasis, New valley , Egypt
Egypt J.Agric.Res, 85 ( 1 ):1-7

76-Sayed , A. A. and S. A. Temerak. 2007.Alternate two green chemicals : spinosad & methoxyfenozide to combat Viracola livia on dates in Dakhla oasis, new valley,Egypt.The fourth symposium on date palm in Saudi Arabia , Date Palm Research Center, King Fisal University-Al Hassa. .Abstract : Page, 296.
77-Temerak, S.A. , A.a. Sayed, h.k. bekhit and S.M.m. Gamel .2007. Actinomycete natural metabolites to combat batrachehedra amydraula Meyrick and Cadra spp At kkarga oasis , new valley , Egypt
Egypt J.Agric.Res, 85 ( 1 ):1-7

78-Temerak ,S.A.and A. A. Sayed .2007. Alternate two green chemicals : spinosad & methoxyfenozide to combat Batrachedra amydraula meyrick and Cadra spp in kharga & Dakhla oases, new valley, Egypt .The fourth symposium on date palm in Saudi Arabia ,. Date Palm Research Center, King Fisal University-Al Hassa. .Abstract : Page, 348.

79-Temerak, S.A.2007. Susceptibility of Spodoptera littoralis to old and new generation of spinosyn products in five cotton governorates in Egypt. Resistant Pest Management Newsletter . 16 ( 2 ): 18-21

80-Bahgat.I.M.,EL-kady,G.A. ,S.Temerak and m.lysadrou.2007 .The natural bio-insecticide spinosad and its toxicity to combat some mosquito species in Ismailia Governorate , Egypt.
World j. of Ag. Sci. 3 (4 ): 396-400

83-Temerak, S.A. and A.M.Rizk.2009. Susceptibility of Phthorimaea operculela (Zeller ) to old and new generation of spinosyn products on two potato varieties in Egypt. Resistant Pest Management Newsletter 19 ( 1 ) : 52-55
84-Temerak, S.A. 2010. Attraction of The almond moth, Cadra cautella(Walker), to ready made tea or coffee: An alternation method of methyl bromide in storehouses of date fruit in Egypt. Fourth International Date Palm Conference Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; 15 - 17 March, 2010

85-M. Lysandrou S. A. Temerak and A. A. Sayed 2010 . The use of different insect control regimes using three green chemicals to combat batrachedra amydraula meyrick and cadra spp. on date palm fruit in Egypt Fourth International Date Palm Conference Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; 15 - 17 March, 2010

86-Sayed A.A. , S. A. Temerak M. Lysandrou. 2010 .: The use of different insect control regimes using three green chemicals to combat viracola livia on date palm fruit in Egypt. Fourth International Date Palm Conference Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; 15 - 17 March, 2010

Temerak, S.A. Susceptibility of Thrips tabaci to old and new generation of spinosyn products ( under publication )

Temerak, S.A., Bio-residual activity of the natural product spinosad on cotton leaves for the control of cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera littoralis in Egypt . (under publication ).


1. Temerak, S.A. 1981. Historical records of Parasitoids in Egypt, (1905 – 1981). Tech. Bull. No. 1. Assiut Univ. (Egypt) .

2. Temerak, S.A. Historical records of Parasitoids in Egypt, (1905 – ??). Under publication

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