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Department of Poultry Production

 Degree Requirements

 1. Graduate Diploma: One year additional study is required in a specialize field after the Bachelor Degree in Agricultural Sciences from any Egyptian University or equivalent.

2. Master: Minimum two years study after B.Sc.

3. Ph. D.: Minimum two years study after M.Sc.

  • The registration for Graduate Diploma take place in August every acadeimic year, while that of Master and Ph. D. degrees take place all the year.

 General Information

 I. Graduate Diploma:

To be awarded the Graduate Diploma, students must complete one academic year in which the applicant studies theoretical, experimental and training courses, subject to suggestion of department concerned and the approval of Faculty Council in the dates indicated for these studies. Examinations of graduate diplomas are held twice a year in the dates indicated by the University Council upon the recommendation of the Faculty Council. The allowed of 50% of courses grade is required for the student to pass the examination for each course. The Faculty Council awards the graduate diploma in the following fields of specialization:

1 . Management and Development of Reclaimed Land.
2 . Management and Evaluation of Agricultural Projects.
3 . Milk Technology.
4 . Plant Pathology.
5 . Animal Production in the tropical areas.
6 . Poultry Production in the tropical areas.
7 . Production of Protected Vegetable.
8 . Fruits in the tropical areas.
9 . Ornamental, Aromatic and Medical plants.
10 . Food Technology Sciences and Nutrition.
11 . Agriculture Extension and Rural Development.
12 . Production of Field Crops (Cereal and Legumes).
13 . Genetics Sciences and Technology.
14 . Honey Bee Rearing and Silk Production.

 II. Master:

  • An applicant for admission to masters program should hold B. Sc. with minimum General Grade Good and very Good in the required specialization; from any Egyptian University or equivalent. In addition, all applicants must satisfy the department graduate admission requirements.

    The M. Sc. courses given by the Faculty departments in different field of specialization are 34 units as a minimum in addition to English language course.

    The Master thesis should be approved by three referees. The M. Sc. Degree is awarded to the application by the university, upon the recommendation of the department and the Faculty Councils.
  • III. Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural Sciences
  • Ph.D. candidate must perform original research in a subject approved by the faculty council, upon the recommendation of concerned department in addition to 47 units for the required courses and a forgone language course.

    The Ph.D. student should pass a qualifying examination; thereafter he will be eligible for summation of his thesis at least after six month from success. The thesis must be approved by three referees.

    In both the master and Ph.D. degrees, thepe survision committee must report to the department and the faculty councils, the candidate progress very academic years.