Ms.Hayam Mohamed Elmostafa, postgraduate student at the Animal, poultry production.Department, will hold a seminar on
“Genetic and Phenotypic Studies on Reproductive Traits in Farafra Ewes”
Ms.Dalia Yousef Awad Darwesh, postgraduate student at the Plant Protection Department, will hold a seminar on
“Biological and Ecological Aspeets of Tephritid Flies in Assiut Northern Upper Egypt…
Mr.Mohamed Elsadek Abd-Elhalem, postgraduate student at the Economic Agricultural Department, will hold a seminar on
“Studies on Tomato bacterial wilt disease caused by Ralstonia solanacearum ”
Mrs.Hebatallah Ezat Hamouda, postgraduate student at the Economic Agricultural Department, will hold a seminar on
“Economic study of honey bee production in Assiut Governorate”
under supervision…
Mrs.Aliaa Mostafa Abd-Elhamed, postgraduate student at the Food Science & Technology Department, will hold a seminar on
“Studies on liquid smoke production from some agricultural wastes and its…
Mr.Reoaa Abd-Elkhalk Ahmed, postgraduate student at the Food Science & Technology Department, will hold a seminar on
“The application of volatile oils in preservation of some fish products…
The M.Sc. Thesis submitted by Mr. Mamdouh Mohamed Ahmed, Horticulture (Floriculture) Department, entitled:
"Regulating Growth of Goldcrest Cultivar of Cupressus Macrocarpa, Hartw Using Growth…
Mrs.Yasmeen Adel Abd-Elwadod, postgraduate student at the Animal, poultry production. Department, will hold a seminar on
“Enhancement of early stage of pregnancy by exogenous hormone (p4) and…
Mrs.Rabea Ali Emam Ali, postgraduate student at the Plant Protection. Department, will hold a seminar on
“Integrated Management to Control Some Pests Infesting Grain Sorghum Crop in Assiut Region…
Mr.Yasmeen Sobhi Ibrahem, postgraduate student at the Animal, poultry production. Department, will hold a seminar on
“Study Dairy Production System for Smal Holders in Southern Egypt"
Mr.Yasmeen Adel Abd-Elwadod, postgraduate student at the Animal, poultry production. Department, will hold a seminar on
“Enhancement of early stage of pregnancy by exogenous hormone (p4) and…
Mrs.Zaynb Ali Ahmed Mousy , postgraduate student at the Animal, poultry production. Department, will hold a seminar on
“Assessment of body fluids and some blood biochemical phenomena relevant to…