The M.Sc. Thesis submitted by Mr. Hassan Ali Khalifa, Plant Protection. Department, entitled:
"Ecological and biological control studies on some terrestrial snails and their associated arthropods in…
Mr.Yaser Ahmed Mohamed, postgraduate student at the Agronomy Department, will hold a seminar on
“Effective of weed control under different planting methods on wheat yield cultivars"
Mr.Hassan Abd-Elatti Mohamed, postgraduate student at the Rural Sociology & Agricultural . Extension. Department, will hold a seminar on
“Role of agricultural extension and NGOs in field of…
Mr.Ahmed Mohamed Sami Mohamed, postgraduate student at the Plant Pathology Department, will hold a seminar on
“Studies on certain pathogenic fungi of soybean seeds"
under supervision of
1- Prof.…
The Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mr. Reda Mahfouz Saba Hussein , Plant Protection Department, entitled:
"Laboratory and field evaluation of some safe alternative insecticides against mosquitoes and…
The Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mr. Amera Mostafa Kotb , Horticulture Department, entitled:
"Effect of media and intercropping on growth and production of oyster mushroom (pleurotus sp)"
The Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mr. Hosam Eldeen Ahmed Thabet , Agronomy Department, entitled:
"Effect of Potassium and Boron Fertilization on Productivity of Some Maize Cultivars at New Valley"
Ms.Sayied zaki ali hueeein, postgraduate student at the Plant Protection. .Department, will hold a seminar on
“Studies on certain sucking lnsects lnfesting the Pomegranate with reference to their…
Mr.Mohamed Nasr Eldeen Helmi , postgraduate student at the Agricultural economics.Department, will hold a seminar on
“The Problems or Obstacles facing the Export Activity of the Most Important…
Mr.Samr Ashrf El-sheshtawi , postgraduate student at the Agricultural economics.Department, will hold a seminar on
“An Economic Study of Agricultural Foreign Trade with the Nile Basin Countries…
The Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mr. Mohamed Abd-Elmonaem Mohamed Hussein, Plant Pathology. Department, entitled:
"Studies on Botrytis Blasting Disease of Onion Seed Head".
Under supervision of:
The Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mr. Khaled Hamdi Salman, Dairy Science. Department, entitled:
"Characteristics of Some Functional Dairy Foods"
Under supervision of:
1. Prof. Fathi Elsayeid El-…