Unit message:
In coordination with the mission of the college, the mission of the Quality Assurance Unit is to spread the culture of quality, follow-up and evaluate performance in all components of the educational system, research activities, community service activities and environmental development provided by the college in light of the standards of the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and the adoption of successive improvement in institutional and academic performance to raise the competitiveness of college graduates And gain the confidence of the beneficiaries in order to achieve comprehensive quality and access to accreditation.
Vision of the unit:
For the Quality Assurance Unit at the College of Agriculture to become a place for training cadres of workers at the university level, and for its employees to become among the most efficient trainers in this field.
The unit's strategic objectives:
1- Continuous follow-up of the progress and development of the educational process within the college according to the systems and plan established to achieve quality and reach accreditation.
2 - Raise the level of community confidence in the results and outputs of the college.
3- Supporting the college's own capabilities to conduct self-evaluation in accordance with the published standards of the National Authority for Accreditation and Quality Assurance.
4- Support and support the quality assurance and accreditation process in line with the college’s mission and stated goals.
5- Facilitating the development and application of national reference standards for academic programs in the college.
6- Cooperation at the regional and international levels with similar bodies.
7- Access to the college to obtain accreditation.
Functions of the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit:
A- Coordination of work among all participants in the educational process provided by the college to achieve the following:
1- Academic and administrative quality assurance, quality assurance of research, and the quality of university service to the community through an internal system approved by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation at the level of international systems applied in this regard.
2 - An annual self-evaluation of the performance of all elements of the college’s activities in each activity, which includes: mission - management structure and methods - faculty members - academic standards and educational programs - quality of learning opportunities - research and other activities - community participation - quality management - action plan in order to determine points Strengths and Weaknesses.
3 - Developing a plan to work on strengthening weaknesses, working to increase strengths, and setting controls to follow up on this plan.
B- Forming working groups for the continuous improvement of all elements of the college's self-evaluation through:
By completing the program, the graduate should be able to:
1- Continuous Improvement Circles.
2- Workshops.
3- Training courses.
4- Applied research projects.
5- Seminars.
6- Conferences.
C- Establishing a performance evaluation and analysis system that includes:
1- Establishing models to evaluate the performance of the dean, agents and heads of departments, as well as all members of the teaching staff and their assistants and all faculty staff.
2 - Establishing a system for distributing and analyzing forms for evaluating the educational process in the college.
3 - Establishing a system for analyzing performance evaluation forms.
4- Establishing a system to ensure the participation of all participants in the educational process in the college in all the elements of the annual self-evaluation.
D- Technical support for the departments to spread the thought of quality among all the college employees, ensuring that the following elements are met:
1- Identification of a coordinator and assistant coordinator for the program in each of the departments.
2- Assisting the departments in preparing annual self-evaluation reports and in preparing self-evaluation studies that are repeated every three to five years.
3 - Assist departments in preparing self-studies, describing study programs and decisions, and writing reports for decisions and programs.