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In the context of events and activities: Faculty of Arts will hold a seminar entitled Zika fever: disease prevention, treatment

Said Prof. Yusuf Ahmed Gad Lord Dean of the College that this seminar feminization in the framework of the activities of the College of Arts special events community service sector and development environment, where the seminar aims to educate young university students Ztalebatt and gentlemen teaching assistants and staff members and make them aware of health about the causes of this disease, gravity and prevention methods and how treatment when injury as the activities of the community service sector and development environment extends throughout the year to include environment week, which includes the establishment of a camp college student to contribute to the total clean up and beautify and educate its students to maintain the cleanliness and beauty Alaih and not distorted.The sector resides charity exhibition of clothes to help students and their participation socially as well as several book fairs college also organizes community service and development environment, the college sector also poetry seminar to a group of poets Assiut involving also the models of poems students of the college displays in cooperation with the central province of the cultural levelThus, the Faculty of Arts contribute to the education and awareness of youth health, social and cultural cooperation with various institutions of civil society