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The rise of historiographical writing in Muslim Iran

Research Department
Research Journal
Seminar fur Arabistik der Universitat Gottingen
Research Member
Research Publisher
der Universitat Gottingen
Research Rank
Research Year
Research Abstract

In this study prof. Dr. Ousama M. Fahmi analyses the scanty evidence of historiographical efforts in the Persian Language which have come down to us from the first four centuries after the Muslim conquest of Iran. this evidence , however, already points to the peculiarities of the Future Iranian historiographical Literature, which began to flourish in the 5 th /11 th century after the hejra.
In the second part of his study Dr. Ousama Fahmi deals with three specimens of Iranian historiography of the 5 th/11 th century: Gardizi's Zain al-ahbar, the anonymous Tarih-i Sistan, an- Naisaburi;s Qisas al-anbija. these three works are described as typical examples of the Literary genre, to which the evidence of the centuries before bears witness.
In addition to his research Dr. Ousama Fahmi has collected a considerable amount of the source material to be used in his works to come.