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Accreditation decisions of the Board of the College at its session (1071) on the 19/7/2018 during the summer holidays for the academic year 2017/2018 CE

Summer holidays for the academic year 2017/2018 CEThe approval of Prof. Dr. Noubi Mohamed Hassan, Dean of the College, with the following authorization: First: Quality assurance unit1-Adoption of the annual report of the College for the academic year 2016/2017.Decision: The Council was informed. Second: Graduate Studies and research1-Approval of the Council of Civil Engineering department to form the postgraduate examination committees the role of September 2018 (Diploma-Master-PhD) (Term summery-old list).Decision: The Board approved the mandate.            2-Approval of the Board of the electrical Engineering section on the application submitted by Mr./Noubi Ahmed Ibrahim concerning the registration of his research and number (69) research.    Decision: The Council was informed. Cultural relations1-Approval of the Board of the Civil Engineering Section for the presence of Mr. Dr. Amr Abou Bakr Ali Mohamed Nasr-Seventh International Conference to secure facilities against hazards."7th International Protection of structures against Hazards"To be held from 29-31/10/2018 in Vietnam at the expense of the university-an acceptable research 2-Approval of the Board of the Mechanical Engineering department to attend the presence of engineer/Mahmoud Salah Hosny-assistant lecturer in the Department-22nd Conference on miniature systems of Chemistry and life Sciences 2018 CE. "The Twenty Second International Conference on miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences 2018 ".To be held in the period 11-15/11/2018, in the province of Taiwan, where his sovereignty has an acceptable search for the conference-the university should not incur any expenses.Decision: The Board approved the mandate.  Student Affairs 1. The Committee on Education and Student Affairs approved the decision of the Board of Electrical Engineering on the application of Mr. A. D. Hassan Ibrahim Abofdan-Ali printed the book "Electric Machine (1) " For students of the Second Division electricity.Decision: The Board approved the mandate.