The primary concern with any source of electricity is the fact that electromagnetic fields are naturallyemitted as a consequence of the transmission, distribution and use of electricity. While the electric
fields are relatively easy to block, the magnetic fields are difficult to block and can cause some problems including human biological effect. Since electromagnetic field is present wherever electricity is used, there is a level of EMF in any building due to multiple sources of electromagnetic fields. These sources include the structure's electrical distribution systems, lights, transformers, electric fans, copiers, underground wires, ground-mounted transformers, common sources within the home and work places etc. Also the nearby high voltage power lines are considered one of the EMF sources. This makes the ambient level of indoor electromagnetic pollution exceeds the tolerable limits. To reduce indoor electromagnetic pollution, different electromagnetic fields mitigation methods could be used. Different mitigation methods are summarized in this paper. The cancellation method by using the correct indoor electrical wiring is discussed in this paper. The using of metal tubes as wall conduits for wires is considered, in this paper, a way of electromagnetic fields mitigation. The effect of material shielding on the indoor electromagnetic pollution is discussed also in this paper.
المشارك في البحث
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The 2nd Symposium on Environmental Pollutants: Analysis and Control, Madinah Muunawarah Municipality and Taibah University, April 2009
Taibah University
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