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The most important decisions of the College Council for quality assurance unit No. 1084

Quality Assurance Unit 1. The Board has been presented with the approval of the Board of the Mining and Metals Engineering Department:Adoption of the program report and the reports of the courses of the first semester and the second semester for the academic year 2018/2019.Adopting the program description and the first semester courses for the academic year 2019/2020.   Resolution: Approved by the Council.2- The Council has been offered the approval of the Council of the Department of Architecture:The formation of the student activities committee for quality work.The formation of the quality assurance committee in the program.   Resolution: Approved by the Council.3- The Board has been presented with the approval of the Council of the Electrical Engineering Department on the following:The formation of specialized scientific committees.The formation of scientific leadership committees.The formation of a quality assurance committee. The formation of a student activities committee for quality work.   Resolution: Approved by the Council.4- The Board was presented with the approval of the Academic Committee of the Mechanical and Robotics Engineering Program on the following:The formation of scientific leadership committees.The formation of a quality assurance committee.The formation of a student activities committee for quality work.   Resolution: Council approved.5- The Board was presented with the approval of the Academic Committee of the Construction Engineering and Project Management Program on the following:Formation of specialized scientific committeesFormation of student activities committeeThe formation of a quality assurance committee.   Resolution: Approved by the Council.6- The Board was presented with the approval of the Academic Committee of the Internal Architecture Program on the following:The formation of a quality assurance committee.Resolution: Approved by the Council.7- The Council was presented with the approval of the Council of the Department of Architecture on a statement of the formation of technical committees in the department for the academic year 2019/2020.Resolution: Inform the Council.