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مفهوم المدينة الذكية كمحرك للتحول الحضري للمدن المصرية نحو الاستدامة: الفرص والتحديات

Research Authors
سلوى عبد الرحمن مجاهد أحمد
Research Year
Research Journal
مجلة العلوم الهندسية، كلية الهندسة- جامعة أسيوط، مصر
Research Publisher
مجلة العلوم الهندسية، كلية الهندسة- جامعة أسيوط، مصر
Research Vol
المجلد 47، العدد 5
Research Rank
PP. 601 – 626
Research Website
Research Abstract

At the next decade, an expected urban acceleration will occur in Egypt. The urban population will be increased by 34% more than 2006 ratio. Demographic pressures, rapid urbanization lead to more issues. While cities are growing rapidly in population, their development model is quite different from the Sustainable model. Egypt's 2030 vision for sustainable development has defined the future of Egyptian cities. The urban economy would be grown in more competitive and diversified manner. Therefore, an urban transformation should be taking place to induce the desired sustainable urban development. Our urban areas are in an urgent need for an advanced governance that is able to improve the socio-economical and environmental sustainability. At recent decades, policy-makers and academics, either in developed or developing countries, have focused on smart city concept. ICT addresses challenges and problems related to resource management, sustainable development, climate change, quality of life and improved performance of the city as a whole. This route will present the concept of the Smart City as a radical solution to many urban issues. Such concept is considered as a revolution in the design and management of urban areas. This paper developed guidelines to manage the urban transformation of Egyptian cities with the drive of Smart City concept to help decision-makers and city managers to prioritize and to develop strategies to achieve the smart and sustainable development of existing Egyptian cities. The study depended on the inductive approach to define the concept of smart sustainable city and related information and concepts. literature review as well as a case study analysis were the methodology to reveal success's factors of urban transformation towards smartness to achieve the desired sustainable urban development. To deduce most important opportunities and challenges as well as to conclude guidelines, the mental syllogistic reasoning approach was used. The study concluded that urban transition of Egyptian cities towards smartness is possible but its roadmap has many obstacles and challenges. The efforts of all decision makers, governors. academics and stakeholders have to be integrated to suggest and embrace our own initiative smart sustainable city as a prompt and costly-effective solution towards sustainability. This critical situation demand a self evolution and reconstructuring for municipalities - the key actor. municipalities have to launch smart applications and encourage the participation of all stakeholders, in developing goals, priorities, plans, policies, strategies and actions. Municipalities have to look for ingenious ideas to financ the smart city’s initiatives.