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Ph. D. In Architectural Engineering (Architectural Design) , Faculty of Architecture University of Architecture, Civil engineering and Geodicy - Sofia - Bulgaria , 2005
M. Sc. In Architectural Engineering (Architectural Design) , Faculty of Engineering Assiut University , 2000
B. Sc. In Architectural Engineering (Architectural Engineering) , Faculty of Engineering Assiut University , 1993

Professor Faculty of Engineering, ِِAssiut University , 2023

Associate Professor Faculty of Engineering, ِِAssiut University , 2012

Lecturer Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University , 2005

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University , 2000

Demonstrator Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University , 1993

Acting Dean, Faculty of Fine Arts, Assiut University, since 17-9-2023.

General secretary of Assiut University Research Ethics Central Committee (AUREC), since 3-1-2022

Director of "The Engineering Studies and Consultation Center" Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University ,since 2019-09-01 to 2021-09-01

Faculty Development Project Executive Manager Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University ,since 2008-01-16 To 2011-12-30

Director of Quality Assurance Unit Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University ,since 2010-02-20 To 2012-02-19

Coordinator of "Interior Design" Program Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University ,since 2009-09-01 To 2012-09-18

# Title Research Year
1 توثيق التراث العمراني باستخدام تقنيات الواقع الافتراضي – الفرص والتحديات
Documentation of architectural heritage using Virtual architecture - Opportunities and Challenges
2 Energy-efficient Tall buildings design strategies: A holistic approach 2015
3 العلاقة المتبادلة بين العوامل المؤثرة على تخطيط المدن و الاحتياجات الانسانية
The interrelationship between the factors affecting in urban planning and humanitarian needs
4 العلاقه المتبادلة بين التصميم الداخلي و الاحتياجات النفسية للطفل في مباني رياض الاطفال‎ 2013
5 Dilemma of unifying building facades colors. Case study 2012
6 A PROTOTYPE FOR "KNOWLEDGE REGION" MECHANISM" symposium of Expanded Region and achieving sustainable development – opportunities and challenges 2012
7 Conceptualizing the Perceptual Changes of City Imaging and their Impact on Urban Design 2012
8 Interactive City as a result to technologies integration, and its relationship with the E-Gov. Mechanism – Towards a total concept for E-Government 2010
9 A Prototype for Future “Interactive City” Mechanism 2010
10 خصائص المسكن الصحى والعلاقات المتبادلة بينها 2010
11 المدينة التفاعلية كنتاج للتكامل التكنولوجى وعلاقتها بمنظومة الحكومة الإلكترونية - نحو مفهوم شامل للحكومة الإلكترونية 2010
12 Toward an integrative approach to reduce energy consumption in skyscraper buildings 2009
13 البيئات الإفتراضية ومستقبل الخدمات الإلكترونية: رؤية إستشرافية 2008
14 العمارة الإفتراضية كبيئة خدمية إلكترونية مستقبلية 2007
15 دور الألوان فى البيئات السكنية: منهج لأختيار ألوان المناطق السكنية 2007
16 منهج مقترح لتحليل والتعامل مع المشكلات المعمارية (أ.د.أ.ب)، 2007
17 برنامج بالحاسب الآلى لحصر المدى اللونى المناسب للواجهات 2005
18 نظام خبير تجريبى ب.س.أ.ف. لحل مشكلات إختيار ألوان واجهات المبانى 2005
19 إستخدام اللون لتحسين الواجهات القائمة 2005
20 تحليل للعوامل التى تؤثر فى ألوان واجهات المبانى 2005
21 نحو نظام خبير لتقديم بدائل لونية للواجهات (ب.س.أ.ف) كأداة تصميم بمساعدة الحاسب (كاد) 2004
22 المجسمات اللونية والعمارة: المجسم الحاسوبى ب.س.م 2004
23 برنامج جزئى بالحاسب الآلى لتقديم خطط لونية لواجهات المبانى 2003
24 مجسم لترتيب اللون بالحاسب ملائم لإحتياجات العمل المعمارى 2003



11- May 2021, Supervising M.Sc. thesis entitled:

Virtual reality technologies as a tool for supporting user participation in interior esign of buildings.


Eng. Alshaimaa Ali Mahmoud

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University


10- April 2021, Supervising M.Sc. thesis entitled:

Embodying smart technologies in interior design of buildings: an executive approach

Researcher: Eng. Norhan Moustafa Abdelhamid

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University


9- April 2021, Supervising M.Sc. thesis entitled:

Towards a framework for drvrloping the mental image of the Egyptian city – Elkharga city as a case study.

Researcher: Eng. Nader Yahya Mahmoud 

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University




8- February 2020, Supervising Ph.D. thesis entitled:

Embodying Green Architecture principles in Architectural Education Programs for undergraduate stage in Yemen.

Researcher: Eng. Lutfi Saeid Kuleib 

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University


---------- Awarded Thesis -----------------------------------------------------

7- September 2021, Supervising Ph.D. thesis entitled:

Color and Light attributes supporting the recovery in hospitals inpatient spacesResearcher:

Eng. Dalia Hasan Tammam 

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University


6-October2019 : December 2021, Supervising Ph.D. thesis entitled:

"Embodying Interactive Characteristics in Interior Design of Kindergarten Building "A Proposed Method".

Researcher: Eng. Seham Mahmoud Nofal 

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University


5- April  2012 : February 2016, Supervising M.Sc. thesis entitled:

“Humanitarian considerations in urban planning in future cities”

Researcher: Eng. Ahmed Salah Ibrahim

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University


4- April 2011 : January 2015 : Supervising M.Sc. thesis entitled:

“A design approach for decreasing energy consumption in high-rise buildings”.

Researcher: Eng. Hazem Ezz Eldeen El-Oteify

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University


3- September 2008 : November 2014, Supervising Ph.D. entitled:

“The Incorporation of Over-Head Imaging-Based Approach in the Process of Improving the Visual Image of the City Centre” (Assiut City Centre as a Case Study)

Researcher: Eng. Lobna Mahmoud Moubarak

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Aswan University


2- September 2008: January 2015, Supervising M.Sc. thesis entitled:

“Studying the indicators of the influence of kindergarten interior design upon the child psychological comfort.

Researcher: Eng. Seham Mahmoud Nofal

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University


1- November 2006: January 2010, Supervising M.Sc. thesis entitled:

Towards A Design Guidance for Healthy   Home

Researcher: Eng. Abeer Yaseen Mustafa

Dept of Arch, Eng. – Assiut University



الجمعيات العلمية و النقابات :

Research Projects