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Ph. D. In Computer Engineering (Security of Embedded Systems) , School of Engineering Virginia Tech , 2014
M. Sc. In electrical engineering () , faculty of engineering assiut univeristy , 2008
B. Sc. In electrical engineering () , faculty of engineering assiut univeristy , 2004

Assistant Lecturer Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University , 2008

Demonstrator Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University , 2004
# Title Research Year
1 New Low-Area Designs for the AES Forward, Inverse and Combined S-boxes 2019
2 A Study on Transmission Overhead of Post Quantum Cryptography Algorithms in Internet of Things Networks 2019
3 New area record for the AES combined S-box/inverse S-box 2018
4 Smashing the implementation records of AES S-box 2018
5 Lightweight Side Channel Resistance: Threshold Implementations of Simon 2017
6 Stateless leakage resiliency from nlfsrs 2017
7 SpecTre: A tiny side-channel resistant SPECK core for FPGAs 2016
8 Survey on threats and attacks on mobile networks 2016
9 Keymill: Side-Channel Resilient Key Generator, A New Concept for SCA-Security by Design 2016
10 Implementation Attacks on Post-Quantum Cryptographic Schemes
11 Key Updating for Leakage Resiliency With Application to AES Modes of Operation 2015
12 Silent Simon: A Threshold Implementation under 100 Slices 2015
13 Key-Updating for Leakage Resiliency with Application to AES Modes of Operation 2015
14 Performance analysis of physical layer security of chaos-based modulation schemes 2015
15 Faster Leakage Detection and Exploitation 2015
16 Quantitative Masking Strength: Quantifying the Power Side-Channel Resistance of Software Code
17 `Di erential Fault Intensity Analysis 2014
18 Differential Fault Intensity Analysis
19 Side-channel countermeasure for SHA-3 at almost-zero area overhead
20 Advances in the Side-Channel Analysis of Symmetric Cryptography 2014
21 QMS: Evaluating the side-channel resistance of masked software from source code
22 Side-channel analysis of MAC-Keccak 2013
23 A key management scheme for DPA-protected authenticated encryption 2013
24 A novel profiled side-channel attack in presence of high Algorithmic Noise 2012
25 Efficient and side-channel-secure block cipher implementation with custom instructions on FPGA
26 A Novel Headway-Based Vehicle-to-Vehicle Multi-Mode Broadcasting Protocol.
27 Broadcasting protocols in vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs)
28 VANET-DSRC protocol for reliable broadcasting of life safety messages 2007
29 Differential power analysis of MAC-Keccak at any key-length 2003

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Research Projects