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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

We are keen on Keeping our graduates updated with what is new in technology; our ultimate goal is to engage them in the fourth industrial ‘technological’ revolution. Thus, we regularly hold a number of effective seminars, camps, training, workshops, and events. And here is an example of our latest ones.

4th Level Students IT department will hold the project discussion for the section on Tuesday 12-2-2019 at 9:00 am at the HP Lab.
Network Trainer Training Course
Tomorrow 6-2-2019 our date with the third Olympiad for computers and information
Third computer and Information Olympiad Competition Program
Gentlemen the graduates of the college please take care to register your data in this link because of the importance of completing the data for the college to activate the role of the alumni follow-…
The activities of Assiut University Club during the half year vacation for children
A competition for students of the faculties of computers and information at the level of Egyptian universities on Wednesday, 6/2/2019, a scientific competition organized by the Faculty of Computers…
Opening the monthly subscription system to the university nursery
It was coordinated with the Institute of Information Technology of Assiut University to hold a series of training courses to prepare students for the labour market: 1-How to write a CV 2. How to…
The hand drawing exhibition was held for first squad students vital information systems on Wednesday, 26-12-2018 in the college.
Huawei's team will visit the University of Assiut for a seminar to introduceIn its training program to qualify students for the labor market in the field of communications and information…
Improved Breast Cancer Diagnosis Based on Big Dataset Using Hybrid Machine Learning Algorithms