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3rd round of Egypt Annual Mobile Developer Weekend on April 14-16th, at the ITI Premises – Smart Village.


Join us and your students in the 3rd Egypt Annual Mobile
 Developer Weekend on April. 14-16, 2016 @ ITI Smart Village
 Information Technology Institute is pleased to announce its



 We would like to extend an invitation to your esteemed

 Professional Staff and Students to attend the 3-day event

 exploring and capitalizing on Egypt’s wealth of knowledge

 in the field of mobile development.  This year the

 forum will come under the thrilling

  theme of “Towards Mobility World”. The 3-day forum,

 with a 1000+participants, provides an opportunity for

 everyone in the mobile community; industry gurus, mobile

 developers, entrepreneurs, experts, universities students to

 interact and mingle, exploring latest

  technological and industry trends in the mobile realm

 through: diversified technical sessions, hands-on workshops,

 hackathons, start-ups pavilion and wearables /gadgets

 studio. while opening up potential opportunities for new

 businesses and endeavors.


 Mobile Developers’ Weekend III is in partnership with

 the Samsung, Google, IBM and CIT.


 The event begins with a knowledge day  (April. 14th)

 hosting keynote speeches from the partners and the

 professional Mobile Development pioneering community,

 followed by interactive parallel technical workshops on the

 latest technologies and tools in the

  Mobile Development Realm. The Sessions and Workshops are

 given by esteemed Academia and Professionals from the

 industry technology domains in focus covering all spectrum

 of topics and fitting all fields of interests


 Experts and

 industry gurus who wants to be

 acquainted with the latest technologies and advancements

 will find a very rich set of workshops given by top notch

 experts in the Mobility

  Realm, There are workshops on latest Tizen Web, Gear S2 and

 VR Samsung Technology , latest IBM Cognitive Computing

 technology (Watson),  Latest Techniques for Hypird

 Mobile Apps and New trends in embedded world with the New

 Java Champion Mohamed Taman e-finance,

  Software Design with Amir Gaafar, Head of software

 development in Egyptian Bank Company among others


 Business and


 who are looking for ways to enhance their products

 and advertisement techniques they will have the chance with

 Google to know more on Material design in addition to tips

 to grow their business and App Online. Also they will have

 the chance to compete

  with others and win valuable prizes that will be offered to

 the best Apps.  In addition to other workshops on

 marketing techniques, Gamification, and Virtual reality




and anyone who are new to the field or need

 to refresh their information on main topics, or designers

 who need to enhance his capabilities using Mobile

 technologies we have a bundle

  of knowledgeable workshops provided by main experts in the

 field, for example Android App Design workshop and what is

 Ui-UX Practical Talking, Titanium Zer2 App, Android 101

 among many others.


 Furthermore, the event will follows with a

 two-day competitive Hackathon by

 Samsung to prototype solutions and

 services, solving challenges and providing

 commercially-viable opportunities in the Hackathon’s

 Domains using the Samsung Gear S2. Participants will be


 coached by professional coaches from the leading technology



 For the First Time,

 MDW III present the First Mobile

 Technologies Wrestling between a group

 of the cutting edge Mobile apps development technologies.

 The group holds the mobile apps development whales

  which have the mobile apps market share our competitors

 are:  Object C for IOS VS Java for Android VS React

 Native VS



 MDW III provides the opportunity for the participants to be

 an IBM certified by applying to attend the IBM Cloud Boot

 Camp in a three days training workshop.

 On the Closing Ceremony (April. 16th) winners of the

 hackathon and competitions are to receive valuable prizes

 presented by Google and Samsung in the presence of technical

 gurus and subject matter experts who act as the jury that

 evaluates the projects.

 For further information of the Mobile Developer Weekend III

 activities and for participating and registration in the

 sessions and workshops please visit:


 We welcome your honorable presence and the exciting

 participation of your professional staff and students.

 Please extend the invitation to your staff and students to

 participate by registering to the event.

 Join us this year in exploiting the Mobility World!


 Bus transportation will be available from/to key gathering

 points throughout the event:


 Giza at el Tawheed wi el Nor shopRamsis at el

 Tawhed wi el Nor ShopMidan Lebnan at Moemen



 The Gathering Thursday will be at 8:00am in the morning,

 for further info on transportation please call:

  Mohamed at 01002278352


 Overnight stay at the premises is also an option for

 Hackathon participants upon prior registration for more

 information please contact Mr. Moemin 01006839680 ))