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ICPC Assiut CPC 2018 Competition Report

ICPC Assiut CPC 2018 Competition ReportIt is one of the most important and largest programming competitions in the world, founded in 1970, and is held annually with the support of major technological companies such as: Google, IBM, Facebook.The Faculty of Computing and Information has organized a programming contest, on 29/9/2018 in all disciplines at the University college level, and participated in the Contest 96 students in all disciplines in the Faculty of Computing, information and engineering representatives of 32 teams, and has won 11 teams with a total of 33 students and students• The first centres received financial positions:-1st place at 1000 C-2nd place 500 C-third place 500 g certificates of appreciation were distributed to all the winners* For more details about the contest you can read the attached report.