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Student Union elections Assiut University

Assiut University Office of the President   Phone: 0020882357007 - 002025742573 • After reviewing the Constitution • universities Regulatory law issued Law No. 49 of 1972 on the organization of universities and its Amendments • Regulations for the Law universities issued Presidential Decree No. 809 of 1975 and its amendments • the decision of the Prime Minister No. 23 of 2013 to amend certain provisions of the Regulations to the law regulating universities Decision Article (1) determines the election date Assiut University Student Union as follows: - 9 am: 3 pm Nominations are open to the membership of the committees of student unions in colleges 02/14/2013   Thursday 9 am: 3 pm Nominations are open to the membership of the committees of student unions in colleges 02/16/2013   Saturday 9 am: 3 pm Nominations are open to the membership of the committees of student unions in colleges 02/17/2013   Sunday   12 o'clock Announcement initial statements of the candidates 02/18/2013   Monday 9 am: 3 pm Receive requests for appeals 02/19/2013   Tuesday 10 o'clock   Examine appeals 02/20/2013   Wednesday 12 o'clock The final statements of the candidates for the membership of the committees of student unions 02/21/2013   Thursday   Conduct campaigning for candidates logos may not be used sectarian or factional or partisan elections   02/23/2013   Saturday 9 o'clock: 5   First phase Elections for members of the General Conference of the Union of two college students for each of the committees study each band Union   02/24/2013   Sunday 9 o'clock: 5 Re the first phase elections In the case of equality between the candidates with the highest votes   02/25/2013   Monday 10 o'clock   Phase II Elections Secretary and Assistant Secretary committees College Students Union (From among the members of the committees qualitative difference tuition) 02/26/2013   Tuesday 10 o'clock   Phase III Elections Chair and Vice-Chair of the Federation of College Students (Among the Secretary and Assistant Secretary of each committee and declare the candidate with the win more than half of the valid votes)   02/27/2013   Wednesday   10 o'clock   Are re-election in the committees of the President and Vice President that it occupied before his election (no duplication of positions) 02/28/2013   Thursday 10 o'clock     12 o'clock   Phase IV Elections Assistant Secretary and the Secretary of University Students Union committees (Secretaries and assistant secretaries of the committees corresponding different colleges) Fifth stage Election of the President and Vice President Are elected from among the heads of unions and their deputies different colleges)   03/2/2013   Saturday 10 o'clock   Are re-election in the faculties of the President and Vice President of the Federation of the university, which was occupied by-election (no duplication of positions)   03/3/2013   Sunday