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Assiut University concludes the activities of the training camp of programming for students of faculties of computers and information from different Egyptian universities

Assiut University President, Prof. Dr. Tarek El-Gammal, emphasized the interest of the university administration in providing all means of advanced technological possobilities, with the aim of developing their abilities and skills and employing them according to the requirements of the labor market. This came in a statement to the President of Assiut University on the conclusion of the activities of the programming camp for students of faculties of computers and information, which was organized by the Faculty during the period from July 6 to August 10. On her part, Dr. Tayseer Hassan Abdel Hamid explained that the programming camp witnessed the participation of more than 200 students from different Egyptian universities and schools to train students on programming, C ++ ,Data structers , OOP , and Algoruthms.