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New additions to the Library of the Faculty of Specific Education, Assiut

Contemporary Japanese design, this is the title of a brochure issued by the Japan Foundation Cairo office in March 2013 and has sent copies of it to Prof. Dr. / Mansour forgotten - Dean of the Faculty of Specific Education - Assiut University.To benefit from this version values ​​all professionals and students in all areas of design, architecture and engineering have been added this version to the library graduate faculty have reported Mr. (Masakaz and Takahashi) Director of the Japan Foundation Cairo office that the brochure includes two lectures about the design of Japan in a series of lectures delivered at circulating sidelines of the exhibition (100 Japanese design) held by the Japan Foundation Cairo office from 9 to 22 December 2012 This exhibition also included 13 special design of a product to the period after the Second World War (Any fifties) The aim of the exhibition show the latest fashion design Japan and its features in addition to providing current reality of Japanese culture.He spoke experts who threw lectures and two Professor (Hirosh كاشيواجى) Professor of the History of modern design at the University of Musashino Art in Tokyo and designed Egyptian young (Mannar Marina) on the attractive design of Modern Japanese and its features in a manner easy and very simple has Japan Foundation Cairo Office collects the content of these lectures in a booklet and dissemination.On this occasion presented a. D / Mansour forgotten - Dean sincere thanks and appreciation to the Japanese Foundation Cairo Office on this version values ​​stated by a. D / Mansour forgotten - Dean                                                                                                              Follow-up and documentation                                                                                                                                Official media office a. D / Dean