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Selenium and Antioxidant Levels
Decreased in Blood of Children
With Breath-Holding Spells

Research Authors
Khaled Saad, MD1
, Hekma S. Farghaly, MD1
, Reda Badry, MD2,
and Hisham A. K. Othman, MD
Research Journal
Journal of Child Neurology
Research Publisher
Research Rank
Research Vol
Research Website
Research Year
Research Abstract

We hypothesize that the imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant systems might be involved in the pathophysiology of breath-holding spells. The aim of this study is to evaluate the oxidant-antioxidant status in children with breath-holding spells compared
to healthy children. In a case control study, 67 children with breath-holding spells were compared with 60 healthy children. Mal-ondialdehyde values of the patients were significantly higher than those in control. Levels of selenium, glutathione peroxidase, and
superoxide dismutase of the patient group are significantly lower than those in control. The present study gives helpful data about
oxidant-antioxidant systems alterations in breath-holding spells in such a large patient group. These data give support to the
hypothesis of the imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant systems, and selenium deficiency might be involved in the patho-physiology of breath-holding spells, suggesting the role of this system dysregulation in breath-holding spells