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Workshop entitled:- Documenting and Self-Evaluation Standards


Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Mawla, Dean of the Faculty, starteded a workshop for faculty members, which was organized by the Quality Assurance and Accreditation Unit at the Faculty und entitled Documenting and Self-Evaluation Standards, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Hassan Refaat Hassan - Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry And Director of the Assurance Unit, and Dr. Gilan Abdel Razek Abdel Alim - Vice Director of the Quality Assurance Unit, and in the presence of  the faculty members, where the workshop was attended by Prof. Dr. Mahrous Othman Ahmed - Professor of Industrial Pharmacy at the Faculty - an accredited external auditor by the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education

This was done in the Faculty Celebration Hall on Wednesday 2/3/2022.


 ورشة عمل تحت عنوان توثيق الأدلة والشواهد لمعايير التقويم الذاتى