Assiut University does emphasize energy efficiency in its construction and renovation projects, particularly with initiatives like the "Improving Energy Efficiency in University Buildings" project. This project, running from 2022 to 2026 and funded by the German Development Bank (KfW), involves the renovation of several buildings, integrating modern energy-saving measures. It aims to implement standards aligned with ISO 50001, which is specifically geared towards energy management systems.
In addition our university has many projects and partnerships in this field
- "Improving Energy Efficiency in University Buildings" Project (2022–2026), funded by the German Development Bank (KfW). This includes seven ongoing projects covering the Electrical Engineering Department building, the Architectural Engineering Department building, the administrative building, the student dormitory building S, road lighting, and the wastewater pumping station.
- Participation in the preparation and writing of the Climate Change course book developed by the Academy of Scientific Research.
- Projects funded by STDF, NTRA, and the Academy of Scientific Research related to energy.
- Smart Urban Governance Center (SUGC) for a Sustainable, Resilient, and Livable City.
- Designing and local manufacturing of a passive air condition system using solar chimney concept
- Sustainable Urban Development in arid Cities regarding Establishment of Urban Climate Labs
- PV Stand-Alone System for Green Hydrogen Generation and Storage for a House Hybrid Loads.
- An optimized AI Map for Solar Energy Maximization and Prediction.
- Smart Monitoring System for Distribution Power Grid - Smart Network in Assiut University.
Assiut University Energy Management Center
Roles of the Energy Management Center:
- Establishing an ongoing comprehensive program aimed at reducing energy consumption and overseeing its implementation.
- Coordinating with energy conservation agencies to select appropriate methods and modern techniques for energy savings.
- Promoting the concept of conservation among students, the future generation, through various events and activities, and tracking the implementation of the plan to assess goal achievement levels.
- Conducting studies to modify control systems in air conditioning and lighting devices to operate only in necessary areas.
- Organizing seminars and workshops to raise awareness among university members about the importance and necessity of energy conservation.
- Organizing training courses for those interested in energy conservation, both within and outside the university.
Assiut University hosts the launch of its introductory seminar titled "Implementation of the Energy Management System (EnMS) in Accordance with ISO 50001 International Standards"
• With the support of the University's Energy Management Center, the following can be added:
- Mission and Tasks of the Energy Management Center at Assiut University
- Assiut University witnesses the launch of its introductory seminar titled "Implementation of the Energy Management System (EnMS) in Accordance with ISO 50001 International Standards" (November 2022).
- Energy saving Law in Egypt
- Assiut University announces the completion of the preparation and implementation of a smart buildings project that self-adjusts electricity consumption
- University energy efficiency policy