The launch of the medical convoy from the South Egypt Cancer Institute to the New Valley, under the auspices of the Governor of the New Valley
Ed Tarek El-Gamal, President of the University, supported Wade Maha Ghanem, Vice President for Environmental Affairs and Community Service.
The convoy begins its departure from next Sunday, corresponding to 29/1 to Tuesday, corresponding to 31/1. The specializations include general surgery, oncology surgery, oncology, orthopedics and pediatrics. Health quality seminars will be held on the sidelines of the convoy on all medical axes. With the participation of the Integrated Care Association for Oncology Patients in the New Valley.
The Association of Friends of Cancer Patients in Upper Egypt, Assiut
The launch of the medical convoy from the South Egypt Cancer Institute to the New Valley under the auspices of the Governor of the New Valley
South Egypt Cancer Institute
Assiut University