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Alumni News and Updates

Alumni News and Updates

The Agriculture Faculty Council will hold its monthly meeting number (712) on Monday 19 /12 /2016 at 7 PM, in the Hall of Faculty Council, 4th floor, administrative building
A monthly meeting number (28) of the committee for community and environmental development will hold on monday 12/12/2016 at 12 PM in the office of Vice Dean for Community Services and Environmental…
Mrs. Naglaa Ahmed Abdullah, postgraduate student at the Rural Sociology & Agricultural . Extension Department, will hold a seminar on   “Towards an Extension Program for Raising Farmer's…
  The graduate studies and research committee will hold its monthly meeting number (401) on Tuesday 13/12/2016 at 10 AM in the office of Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs.
Mr. Nageh Ismail Abdul Hakim , postgraduate student at the Rural Sociology & Agricultural . Extension      Department, will hold a seminar on   “The Contribution of Social cCapital in Achieving…
Mr. Mohamed Sayed Gad Mustafa, postgraduate student at the Floriculture      Department, will hold a seminar on   “Effect of Gamma and Laser rays on Growth and fiowering of Salvia coccinea plants and…
Mrs.Aya Salah Mohamed Farghaly, postgraduate student at the Rural Sociology & Agricultural . Extension Department, will hold a seminar on   “Role of some small projects in Improving Stander of…
The Floriculture Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting number (49) on Monday 12/12/2016 at 11 AM.
The Vegetables Department Council will hold its regular monthly meeting number (48) on Monday 12/12/2016 at 10 AM.
The laboratories and scientific equipment committee will hold its monthly meeting number (28) on monday 12/12/2016 at 11AM in the office of Vice Dean for Community Services and Environmental…
The cultural and international relations committee will hold its monthly meeting number (400) on Tuesday 13/12/2016  at 12 PM in the office of Vice Dean for Graduate Studies and Research Affairs
The education and students affairs committee will hold its monthly meeting on Monday 12 /12 / 2016 at 11AM in the office of Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs.