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# عنوان البحث المشارك في البحث سنة البحث
1 Foliar application of potassium and zinc enhances the productivity and volatile oil content of damask rose (Rosa damascena miller var. trigintipetala dieck) د. عصمت فاروق على أحمد 2021
2 A vital role of chitosan nanoparticles in improvisation the drought stress tolerance in Catharanthus roseus (L.) through biochemical and gene expression modulation د. عصمت فاروق على أحمد 2021
3 Foliar application of potassium and zinc enhances the productivity and volatile oil content of damask rose (Rosa damascena miller var. trigintipetala dieck) د. سيد شحاتة عابدين عبدالرحمن 2021
4 A vital role of chitosan nanoparticles in improvisation the drought stress tolerance in Catharanthus roseus (L.) through biochemical and gene expression modulation د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2021
5 Effects of chitosan and BABA foliar application on flowering and chemical characteristics of German chamomile Bode-gold د. عصام يوسف عبدالحفيظ عبدالعاطى 2021
6 Effects of chitosan and BABA foliar application on flowering and chemical characteristics of German chamomile Bode-gold د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2021
7 Growth, yield, and quality of roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) plants as affected by nano zinc and bio-stimulant treatments د. سيد شحاتة عابدين عبدالرحمن 2021
8 A vital role of chitosan nanoparticles in improvisation the drought stress tolerance in Catharanthus roseus (L.) through biochemical and gene expression modulation د. عصام يوسف عبدالحفيظ عبدالعاطى 2021
9 Salt tolerance of Ocimum basilicum cv. Genovese using salicylic acid, seaweed, dry yeast and moringa leaf extract. د. سيد شحاتة عابدين عبدالرحمن 2020
10 In vitro cytotoxic activity of certain succulent plants against human colon, breast and liver cancer cell lines د. عمر حسنى محمد إبراهيم 2020